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我自己假想的想法却无所适从。I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder.

他假想自己身处百年之前。He tried to vision himself in a past century.

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一些限制是假想的,一些是现实的。Some limitations are imaginary, some are real.

我假想你们中的大多数也都有工作。I'd imagine that most of you have jobs as well.

是一个假想中公司的名字。Periwigs ' is the name of a fictitious company.

另外两位则假装在钓鱼,他们用假想的鱼钩挂饵、the others were pretending to fish. They baited

这个故事里的人物都是假想的。The characters in this story are all fictitious.

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假想一下地球收缩到弹球那么大。Imagine the earth reduced to the size of a marble.

我迫使自己进入一桩假想的交易。I'd forced myself into a bogus trade-off, of course.

他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor.

我后来意识到我必须假想我一定能够实现理想。I realized then that I would have to "fake it to make it."

这个示例是假想的,但它能说明问题所在。This example is fictitious, but it demonstrates the point.

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同相轴的一种假想延拓。An interpretation of the presumed continuation of an event.

这个假想而虚构的地方被昵称为“科尔特尔地狱”。The supposedly imaginary place was nicknamed "Colter's Hell".

一条在地球表面上连接磁偏为零的点的假想线。On the Earth's surface where the magnetic declination is zero.

但是如果说软件能做某种合理的假想会怎样呢?But what if said software could make certain rational assumptions?

实际上,我从来都不需要什么知心女友,因为我已有一个假想中的了。Actually, I never needed a confidante because I had an imaginary one.

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假想一下如果我们的身体内没有生物钟引导我们度过一天。Imagine what we'd be like without a clock to guide us through our days.

现在假想我们需要用,理想气体定律来设计一台机器。In this case it relates the volume to the pressure and the temperature.

濡润的体热融化于空气,假想的线条久已消亡于光芒。Wet heat merging into air, the ideal of lines long lost with the light.