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差不多所有商店都播放有线广播的音乐。Nearly all the shops have piped music.

有线广播电视系统经营者。Cable broadcasting and television system operator.

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有线广播,沟通无限世界。Wired broadcasting, communicates the infinite world!

悦耳的音乐通过有线广播传送到整座大楼。Pleasant music to listen to is piped in through the whole building.

差不多所有的商店都连续播放有线广播的音乐。Nearly all the shops have piped music, ie recorded music played continuously.

他们通过互联网或通过有线广播播出他们的节目。They stream their programming over the Internet or are heard through cable systems.

北京电视台与北京有线广播电视台合并后,资源得到合理调整。Station with Beijing Cable Broadcasting & TV Station, resources were adjusted reasonably, with the.

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也就在那时,一个关于押尾桑的两小时特别节目在全国性的有线广播网播出。A two-hour special program on Oshio was also aired on nationwide cable radio networks around that time.

她对微软全国有线广播电视公司说,“这种蜘蛛的毒液是几种分子的富混合物。”“The venom of the P. nigriventer spider is a very rich mixture of several molecules, ” Nunes told MSNBC.

如今,全球化的电话服务和卫星及有线广播和电视已成为日常生活内容。Everyday life now includes global telephone service, as well as satellite and cable radio and television.

朝鲜周一通过境外无法监测的有线广播系统宣布重估货币。The ruation was announced Monday over a cable-broadcast system that can't be monitored outside the country.

在智利,地震过后30分钟,巨大的海浪冲上了海岸城镇,微软全国有线广播公司报道。In Chile, 30 minutes passed between the quake and a large wave that inundated coastal towns, MSNBC reported.

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今天,微软全国有线广播电视公司报导,联邦政府国家毒理学规划处发现塑料瓶实际上对人体健康有害。MSNBC reports today that the federal National Toxicology Program discovered plastic bottles do in fact present a health risk.

公司是北京市政府批准的唯一一家建设、经营和管理全市有线广播电视网络的单位。Beijing Municipal Government is the only company approved by a build, operate and manage the city's cable television network unit.

据微软全国有线广播公司报道,电视图像显示房子从房基处被拔起,汽车像玩具一样被掀翻,地上到处都是碎木。Television images show houses torn from their foundations, cars tossed like toys, and the ground covered in shattered wood, MSNBC reported.

可以用简便方式传唤当事人和证人,例如,当审判员在某个村庄时,他可以通过在农村普遍使用的有线广播传唤当事人和证人。For instance, when a judge is in a village, he may call the parties and the witnesses through rediffusion on wire, a system commonly used in rural areas.

“我只是看见墙一层层塌下,周围都是爆炸声,”伍利在向微软全国有线广播电视公司重述该事时说道,“一切发生得很快。“I just saw the walls rippling and just explosive sounds all around me,” said Woolley, recounting the earthquake to MSNBC. “It all happened incredibly fast.

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有线广播电视网施工单位应当按照设计方案、工程建设标准及验收标准进行施工。The construction entity for cable radio and television network shall construct subject to the design scheme, construction standards and acceptance standards.

香港有线广播电视转播了暴乱的图像,人们推翻汽车,向防暴警察投掷石块,还有许多受伤流血的示威者。Hong Kong-based Cable TV broadcast images of the unrest, showing overturned cars, people throwing stones at shield-wielding police, and injured, bleeding protesters.

他接受了一个在微软全国有线广播电视频道上露面的邀请,但国家海洋和大气管理局的一位公共关系协调员却给电视公司打电话告诉该节目组科纳森“太累了”不能接受采访。He agreed to one request to appear on MSNBC, but a public affairs officer at NOAA rang the station to tell the programme that Knutson was “too tired” to conduct the interview.