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我把十只动物一网打尽。Ten animals I slam in a net.

和一网打尽的声音非常清楚。And the sound DADA was very clear.

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他会将河口里所有的鱼虾一网打尽。And he'll catch all the fish in the bayou.

联系我时请说明是在一网打尽看到的,谢谢!It's spooky how cevler some ppl are. Thanks!

警察将赌徒一网打尽。The gamblers were cleaned out by the policemen.

警察将罪犯一网打尽。The criminals were cleaned out by the policeman.

布鲁纳说,抗议者称警方的这种拦阻技术为“一网打尽”。Protesters called this technique 'kettling, ' Mr. Bruner said.

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在警方一波波的扫荡下,那些黑帮份子该被一网打尽了吧!In 1, a wave of police raids, the gangster was the catch all in.

我们要一举捣毁这处窟穴,把土匪一网打尽!We should destroy the lair at one stroke and wipe out the bandits.

莫非他企图把大伙都一网打尽来给他儿子报仇?Was he attempting to prepare a wholesale massacre to avenge his son?

巡游的觅食者在30小时内几乎将其一网打尽。And cruising predators snatched up nearly all of them within 30 hours.

但是两名埋伏在后面的警察持枪出来把他们一网打尽。But two cops hiding in the back came out with guns and caught them all.

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尚九城打算暂时不抓慕瑶,先搜集证据好将地下组织一网打尽。It is going to temporarily hold nine Mu Yao, to collect evidence to the underground.

当今时代,一张互联网,将天下一网打尽。At the present time, the internet is the single net that has captured the whole world.

逃窜的是他们,而我们将把他们一网打尽并绳之以法。They are the ones who are running. And we will catch them all and bring them to justice.

在耶路撒冷没有将其一网打尽的亚述人,也开始和他谈判求和。The Assyrians, after failing to best him at Jerusalem, wanted no part of the Nubian ruler.

这是一种新式人造树,它能够将地球大气所含的高比重温室气体一网打尽,从而令地球的气候转暖为凉。A new kind of tree could cool the planet by removing a major greenhouse gas from the planet's atmosphere.

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我们希望通过这个免费服务推广Gizmo,吸引更多的用户,我们的目标是把你所有的朋友、家人和商业伙伴都一网打尽。We want you to tell all of your friends, family and business associates to get Gizmo Project and use the service.

最后张全忠一石二鸟成功解救人质并将毒贩一网打尽。Final Zhang Quanzhong hostage of one rescue of Shi Erdiao success peddles poison catch the whole lot in an action.

杜荣林准备将资料露个破绽,让敌人搞到手,并要求将前来接应的敌人一网打尽。Du Ronglin ready to data showing a flaw, let the enemy his hands, and demand will come to meet the enemy of the gang.