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在枪林弹雨里止血有什么用?。What's the use of stanching in the hails of bullets?

多有自信啊,仿佛我的手可以帮他挡住枪林弹雨似的。What confidence. As if my hands could protect him from the bullets.

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31岁那年,迪林格试图从一家电影院逃走时,死在了枪林弹雨中。Dillinger died, aged 31, in a hail of bullets as he fled a Chicago cinema.

他必须涉险向前,冒着枪林弹雨,去填补这一排的空缺He's got to come forward and take the danger and take the blows and close the line.

我的脑海里依然回荡着枪林弹雨轰然粉碎木质障碍物的声音。In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers.

已完成「海岸公路」,并解除「最后出口枪林弹雨」任务的锁定。Complete Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary to unlock a new Firefight mission.

有些人担心精神受到创伤的年轻人们会变成极端主义者,枪林弹雨换来他们的石块。Some fear that traumatised youngsters may become extremists, swapping stones for bombs or guns.

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致电的是一名医生,他的病人经历了一场枪林弹雨后变得胆小畏缩,躲在小屋里不肯出来了。His patient had just been through a firefight and now was cowering under acot, refusing to come out.

枪林弹雨在我周围呼啸而过,我卷缩在泥潭里,惊恐万分。I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified, as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me.

志愿急救车驾驶员冒着枪林弹雨将伤者接上车,送往附近的医院。Volunteer ambulance drivers careened through the combat, picking up victims and taking them to nearby hospitals.

此前两次民众示威都以枪林弹雨收场,民众受到恐吓噤若寒蝉。Two previous attempts at popular protest have ended with the crackle of gunfire and the silence of a cowed populace.

红军冒着枪林弹雨,冲入敌阵,与敌人白刃肉博,占领关口。Red braving a hail of bullets, into the enemy positions, and the enemy knives Communication Stage, the occupation crossing.

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1958年,阮怀宏参加政府军队前往寮国,当时这枪林弹雨,差点令他打算撕毁他的这些藏书。In 1958, Chuc joined the army and went to Laos where he somehow managed to squeeze his books amongst the shells and bullets.

哪怕枪林弹雨也不能阻挡姐妹们去支持你,支持你热爱的祖国的心。You are so kind and perfect. Even if pelter couldn't obstruct from our steps of supporting you and your homeland in Thailand.

6个月后,在今年3月13日星期五,蜘蛛侠死了——死于里约武警部队的枪林弹雨。Six months later, on Friday 13 March this year, Spiderman was dead – killed in a hail of bullets by a unit of Rio's military police.

佩戴外科手术口罩的猎猪者们一开始就遭到枪林弹雨般的袭击,扎巴林人向他们投掷的石头、瓶子和粪便。Teams of surgical-mask-wearing pig-hunters were met at first with a barrage of rocks, bottles and manure hurled by the angry Zabbaleen.

大约四百民众冒着枪林弹雨不顾一切地到加沙城中心抗议暴力行径。With gunfire and shelling as the backdrop, around 400 people have ventured into the center of Gaza city protesting against the violence.

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虽然失去了记忆和挚爱亲人,他依然从容不迫的面对枪林弹雨和那些接受过严格训练的新一代杀手。Having lost his memory and the one person he loved, he is undeterred by the barrage of bullets and a new generation of highly-trained killers.

通常,B-25都是高高地飞在防空火力外,现在,为了执行跳弹轰炸,只好飞在浪尖上,一头扎进枪林弹雨中。B-25 crewmen who were used to flying high above enemy anti-aircraft fire, now had to be convinced to fly directly into the guns at wave height.

讲述一个政府闭口不谈的秘密争端,远比再现战场上枪林弹雨困难得多。Telling a tale that unfolded in conflicts behind Washington's closed doors is more difficult than recounting the boom and bang of battlefields.