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钓起一条小小的银鱼。And caught a little silver trout.

核桃,银鱼柳,培根末,帕玛森芝士,黑橄榄。Bacon Bits , Parmesans Cheese , Black Olive.

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鲱目、银鱼科、银鱼属。Head herring, whitebait Branch, a whitebait.

现场捕鱼者说有点像银鱼。Fishermen in the area said it looked like whitebait.

在埃及的红海海底,一只魔鬼鱼在一群数量巨大的银鱼中游弋。A lionfish swims among a school of glassfish in Egypt's Red Sea.

太湖以盛产白虾、银鱼和白鲑而闻名。Tai is famous for its bounty of white shrimp, whitebait, and whitefish.

太湖以盛产白虾、银鱼和白鲑而闻名。Lake Tai is famous for its bounty of white shrimp, whitebait, and whitefish.

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建议控制方法同太湖新银鱼。The suggested control measures for Taihu Icefish are recommended for Bighead.

银鱼体细长,似鲑,很少长于15厘米,十分罕见。Whitebait, slender and like salmon, is usually shorter than 15cm and is rare.

核桃,银鱼柳,培根末,帕玛森芝士,黑橄。Pine nut, Walnut, Gherkin, Anchovy, Bacon Bits, Parmesans Cheese, Black Olive.

银鱼很好吃,两条大鲢鱼被做成了六种不同的吃法。Siver fish is delicious food. Two big chub were cooked into six different meals.

试验观察热冲击、不同盐度对太湖新银鱼仔鱼成活情况的影响。The influence of heat shock and different salinity on the fry fish was observed.

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配罗马菜心,帕马森芝士粉,银鱼柳和虾串。With heart of Romaine, Parmesan, Anchovy Dressing and Cajun dusted Prawn skewers.

大咪咪吃饭不挑食,喜欢吃虾皮,小银鱼。所以大咪咪长的很阳光。Big Mimi likes eating simple food, such as seafood, so he is very strong and sunny.

在传统的冷冻工艺之外,探索出银鱼深加工新工艺。It explored a deep processing of whitebait from the traditional freezing techniques.

在我的家乡有一种特产叫做“银鱼”,它们生活在淡水湖中。In my homeland there is a special product called "whitebait", they live in freshwater lakes in.

中国的大银鱼主要供出口,是中国渔业创汇的拳头产品。Whitebait is mainly produced for exports, which is the main product of creating foreign current.

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除了能吃,银鱼还对船只构成了直接威胁。And if their voracious eating habits weren't enough, silver carp pose a direct threat to boaters.

本文论及了银鱼科鱼类的分类、分布和种群生态特点。This paper presents the classification, distribution, and ecological characters of salangidae fishes.

总司令特别让厨房准备了一份银鱼羹,你看可还使得?The commander in chief specially lets the pantry arrange a silverfish thick soup, do you see to still make?