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不要怜惜恶人!Don't take pity on evil people!

你是否常常自我怜惜,若是如此,为什么?。Do you often feel self-pity, and if so why?

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这位仁慈的老奶奶对每个孤儿都很怜惜。The kind grandma shows her mercy on every orphan.

我的怜惜心是向着所无为正义而搏斗的人们的。My sympathies is with wisl who struggle for justice.

不要因为我是娇花而怜惜我,用力吧!Don't save your energy because I am so pretty and civilized.

总是一幅哀苦的样子,让人怜惜。She always looks sad, which makes people feel sorry for her.

见到肃恭对她怜惜,金香心中泛起亲切感。See the ready and pity for her, the incense flush kindness heart.

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这消息传播得很怜惜,你可能从报纸上已经读到这件事了。The news spread fast. You might have read about it in the papers.

说到密石,总让人有一种怜惜而心痛的感觉。Speaking of stone, the people have a sense of Lianxi and heartache.

她对两个男子都怀有缠绵不绝的怜惜之情,有谁会为此而谴责她呢?Who would condemn her for a constant flow of pity towards both males?

但我还是缓慢而小心地接近你,一定因为相互怜惜。But I still slow and careful to close to you, must be because mutual pity.

你真的会因为这些轮子停止转动而怜惜吗?Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever?

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我叹了口气,想想自己,不禁对那些飘落的叶儿产生了一点怜惜。I sigh and ask yourself, can not help falling in Yeer who had a little pity.

“是的,毕周,”斯巴塞太太说,“我对于受欺骗者总是有怜惜之心的。”Yes, Bitzer, " said Mrs. Sparsit. "I have always pitied the delusion , always.

怀里的这个女孩,值得自己付出更多的珍惜和怜惜。The girl of bosom is worth oneself's paying to morely cherish and feel pity on.

代表怜惜他人,理解他们的感觉和想法。"E" is for empathizing with people, understanding their feelings and their thinking.

为了怜惜那荒凉的树枝,春天留给它曾在一片孤叶里震动过的一吻。In pity for the desolate side spring leaves to it a kiss that fluttered in a lonely leaf.

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等哪天自己手机被偷了的话也许就不会去怜惜他们了哈哈!If someday I glommed my mobile phone by thief maybe I will not take pity on these thieves.

在那姑娘被扶出去的时候,许多人都表示怜惜,也对她的父亲深表同情。There was much commiseration for her as she was removed, and muchsympathy with her father.

为了怜惜状元郎的才华横溢,于情,于理,我们该做何种抉择?In order to take pity on the top scorer, how do we make a choice between reason and emotion?