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西哥特人是一种观念。And a Visigoth is an idea.

绝妙的观念决非偶然。Good ideas are no accident.

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那么该如何体制化这一观念呢?How to formalize this idea?

这是个唯物主义的观念This is a materialist view.

这就是「感觉」的观念。This is the notion of Begriff.

我们观念不同。We are devided in our concept.

这些观念总是对吗?Are these notions always right?

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为什么会在中国形成神仙观念?Why did it take shape in China?

起关键作用的,就是观念Deal with it, was their attitude.

好女孩儿通常有很强的家庭观念。Good girls tend to be homebodies.

他有他自己的审美观念。His aesthetic ideas were his own.

“熟能生巧”的观念是错误的!"Pratice makes perfect" is wrong!

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你们当中许多人可能都相信这种观念Many of you probably believe in it.

我父母亲的观念很开放。My parents' ideas are very liberal.

马斯滕对自己的观念一意孤行。Olaf Martens pursues his own ideas.

袁氏把这种观念应用于花。Carrying the notion over to flowers.

在她的观念里没有“截止日期”。In her mind, there are no deadlines.

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陈旧的思想观念应当肃清。Outdated ideas should be rooted out.

那么,我们该如何改变自己的观念呢?So how do we change our perceptions?

这种观念已被僵化。This conception has been rigidified.