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这在某种程度上是招供。Which in a way is an admission.

没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。It's no use, Chapman. Tate confessed.

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他被迫招供。He was coerced into making a confession.

警方设圈套使他招供。The police set traps to make him confess.

马宏考虑是否招供出迈可来,但是没有做声。Mahone considers turning in Michael, but says nothing.

叛徒拒不招供,最后被拖到拉肢刑架上施刑。The traitor refused to confess and was racked at last.

他被当场抓住,除了招供别无出路。Caught in the act, he had no alternative but to confess.

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他采访的唯一目的就是得到我明确的“招供”。His only goal in the interview was to get a specific admission.

误以为“测谎仪”真的起作用,这个嫌疑犯终于招供。Believing the "lie detector" was working, the suspect confessed.

通过他招供的那些情报,我们可以拯救生命。You can save lives with the kind of information he could giveup.

为什么他们不总把对方招供出来,有些企业也能串通好呢They don't always rat each other out and some firms manage to collude?

他们的释放有时要视“招供”而定。Their release has sometimes been contingent on "confessions," some televised.

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这意味着美国招供中国的兴起并将成为未来的主脑。It implies America enjoys the rise of China as probabaloneyly ? lepublishinger.

李少民必须在「招供」中「态度诚恳」而获得「从宽处理」。" It was up to Li to "earn lenience" by "showing sincerity" through "confession.

特尼说关于她招供的录象带是伪造的。The only woman among them, Faye Turney, says her videotape confessions were false.

也许最好是招供,最终还是相互间的关系更为重要。Probably best to ' fess up . In the end your relationship is always more important.

在拘留3天后,哈米迪据称因酷刑而招供犯罪。After three days in detention, Hamidi confessed to the crime, allegedly under torture.

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在妒恨悲愤之中,她终于举发她的情人,一切都招供了,一切都证实了。Thereupon, exasperated by jealousy, she denounced her lover, confessed all, proved all.

警察严厉审讯嫌疑犯,但他却没有招供。The police gave the suspect a thorough going-over without getting a confession out of him.

她显然向拷问她的纳粹分子招供,说自己是法国当地的居民。She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance.