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狗狗专用的盘圈型蚊香。Mosquito coil for dogs.

卫生纸,洗粉,火柴,蚊香,油漆刷。Toilet Paper, Detergent, Matches, Mosquito Coil, Paint Brushes.

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白天使用盘式蚊香和杀虫剂喷雾器。use mosquito coils and insecticide vaporizers during the daytime.

燃烧试验发现蚊香燃烧时间与蚊香横切面积有关。The combustion property was related to the cross-sectional area of incense.

盘式蚊香和杀虫剂喷雾器也可减少室内叮咬。Mosquito coils or other insecticide vaporizers may also reduce indoor biting.

于是关上门窗,狠狠地用蚊香熏了个遍。So behind closed doors and windows, cracked using a mosquito aroma of the times.

她只是笑吟吟地站起身来,将蚊香盘踢到桌子底下”。She just stands up laughing, kicking the mosquito-incense holder back under the table.

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电热蚊香,无毒、无烟,保君平安。Electrical mosquito-repellent incense, poisonless and smokeless, keeps you safe and sound.

婴幼儿大脑尚未发育完善,因此,家庭不宜使用蚊香等。Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable.

研究结果表明,不同植物生长调节物质对驱蚊香草的诱导效应不同。The results showed that different hormones had different induce effect on mosquito abjection vanilla.

方法采用物理方法测定三种类型蚊香的烟尘和焦油量,并用小鼠做经口和吸入毒性实验。Methods Using physical method to measure the smoke and tar, doing oral toxicity experiment with mouse.

探讨了气相色谱法分析盘式蚊香中丙烯菊酯的方法。Gas chromatography was performed to analyze the content of allethrin in disc mosquito-repellent incenses.

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临走时,姜暮烟将一片蚊香交给柳时镇,希望能对他有所帮助。When he left, ginger both smoke town when a mosquito coil incense to the willow, hope to be able to help him.

我们打算试订一千打烟火和五百箱蚊香.I'm going to place a trial order for 1,000 units of a dozen fireworks and 500 cartons of mosquito coil incense.

蚊香的支架,又是调节、和控制燃烧时间的参照物,并可保持香灰的原始形态。Mosquito Coil stand, reference for adjust and control the burning time, also keep the coil ash original Patten.

目的通过生物测试,观察天然除虫菊素盘式蚊香对淡色库蚊的药效。Objective To observe the efficacy of natural pyrethrum mosquito coil against Culex pipiens pallens by bioassay.

华磊公司是生产电热蚊香器,电热芳香器系列产品的专业公司。Hualei Co. , Ltd. We are specialized in producing Electric Vaporizers for mosquito killing and air refreshing series.

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因此,如今的杀虫剂、蚊香中的有效成分比过去有所增加。Therefore, in present's pesticide, the mosquito-repellent incense effective component increased compared to the past.

特殊人群像婴幼儿和孕妇使用蚊香要特别小心。These two reasons cause the pregnant woman to compare its the other people change to annoy the mosquito "the patronage".

特殊人群像婴幼儿和孕妇使用蚊香要特别小心。The special crowd likely babies and infants and the pregnant woman use the mosquito-repellent incense to be specially careful.