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我们知道我们可以天各一方。We know we could live apart from one another.

尽管天各一方,伊人靠近我的心房!You are close to my heart even though we're apart!

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爱人可以风雨同舟,之后却天各一方。Lovers can undergo difficulties, but part after that.

天各一方的奔忙总是漫长。Always hustle and bustle in every corner of the earth.

这种“求胜欲”使科比和麦迪天各一方。This "will to win" is what appears to separate Kobe and T-Mac.

即便是现在天各一方,也不见得有生之年不会再聚首。For though they may be parted There is still a chance that they will see.

乌克兰卡拉普契夫这是天各一方的两个村庄的故事。KARAPCHIV, Ukraine ?This is the story of two villages, half a world apart.

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虽然我们天各一方,我们却能够共享月光的美丽。Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.

天各一方早已取代了擦肩而过,红尘阡陌,我们仅不过是彼此生命里的过客。If have replaced brushed, red paths, we are just passing through each other's life.

有时甚至想天各一方该多有诗意。有时也希望有一次令人惊魂的经历。Sometimes even the more poetic Sometimes people want to have a Christmas experience.

看着那白白的天花板,我明白了天各一方的遥远,也明白了在水一方的期待。Looking at the white ceiling, I see far far away, but also understand the water side look.

天各一方又如何。我在这里,你在那里,我们远远地相恋就是了。Fuck the miles. Fuck them. I'll be here and you'll be there and we'll just be long-distance.

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而许多家庭因为年轻人去大城市寻求工作机会而导致家人天各一方。Many families, however, have been separated as the young go to the cities in search of work.

好朋友就算天各一方,但想念的心仍是紧紧在一起的。Good friends, though they are so far apart from each other, their hearts are tightly closed together.

除了因为技术和业务问题之外,她更希望社交电视帮助朋友和家人保持联系,即使他们天各一方。Engineering and business issues aside, she wants social TV to help friends and family stay connected, even as they move apart.

天各一方也好,心如刀割也好,思念你的心,挥动着跃跃的翅膀。Lives far apart also well, feels as if a knife were piercing heart also well, misses your heart, is wielding the leap leap wing.

不出所料,影片后半段将观众带到了数年后,此时片中人物都已步入社会,天各一方。As expected, the film's second half takes the audience to years later when the characters have moved on into different corners of society.

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这对相恋的爱人--却为浩淼银河所隔--天各一方--遥遥相望--只有在每年农历七月初七才得以相会。But the couple was separated by a wide swollen river in the sky and can only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

这些负责人开始了解到移民行为的历史和经济背景以及因此而天各一方的家庭日常生活现实。There the leaders came to understand the historical and economic context of immigration and the day-to-day realities of families torn apart by migration.

某个做房建工程的朋友,其妻耐不住天各一方的寂寞,红杏出墙,最终劳燕分飞。A real construction friend, his wife is unable to bear the lives of lonely, there was a red plum tree. Finally, be like birds flying in different directions.