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和弦音报警。Alarm by chord music.

为什么改变和弦呢?Why do we change chords?

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支持mp3和弦铃声。MP3 polyphonic ring tone.

是哪四个和弦呢?What are those four chords?

什么是和弦进行?What is a chord progression?

第一段是小和弦The first one is a minor chord.

七音和弦的第一转位用65来表示。Its first inversion would be 65.

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第二段是大和弦The second one is a major chord.

那我们就叫它VI和弦吧。We'll just call it the VI chord.

为什么我们要改变和弦?Why do we have to change chords?

现在我们把和弦进行的问题解决了。So we've got a chord progression.

我们要怎样才能听到和弦进行?How do we hear chord progressions?

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钢弦最适合弹和弦。It's best suited for finger picking.

这一和弦中有两个本位音。There are two naturals in this chord.

那么这里总共有多少和弦?How many chords were there altogether?

在低音弦的部分是否可以演奏和弦?And can it play chord on the bass strings?

我们现在对主音和弦都有点审美疲劳了。We almost fell asleep on that tonic chord.

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笙能吹出一种特殊的和弦音色。It provides a unique Chordal sound texture.

放在一起有意义的一组和弦,听明白了吗?that kind of make sense together.All right?

丹尼尔,你是怎么认为的,这里是什么和弦?Daniel,what do you think?What chord's there?