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他们整齐有序.They are in order.

他总是穿戴整齐。He always dresses neatly.

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该品种长势强,生长整齐一致,株高30-35厘米。Plant grows to 30-35cm high.

桌子摆得很整齐。The tables are in alignment.

清洗餐具——将干净的衣服叠放整齐——把客厅的玩具归位——帮助孩子收拾他们的房间。Help kids pick up their room.

她的闺房干净而整齐。Her boudoir is clean and tidy.

我会整齐的把他圈出来“I'd zone out with regularity."

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要保持房子整齐清洁!Keep the house clean and tidy!

将整齐的印记钉入林间的Sets neat prints into the snow

吩咐那女孩把衣服穿得整齐些。Tell the girl to adjust herself.

钢牙奇奇和大鼻帝帝已穿戴整齐。Chip and Dale are all dressed up.

任志是位干净整齐的年轻人。Hitoshi is a clean-cut young man.

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教室整齐清洁。The classroom was clean and tidy.

她打扮整齐等着他的到来。She slicked up and waited for him.

请把你的东西整齐地收好。Please put your things away tidily.

干净整齐地把前十行抄出来。Copy out the first ten lines neatly.

你本可以更加整齐一些。You could have been a little tidier.

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她的牙齿又白又整齐。Her teeth are very regular and white.

切割口小,整齐,无掉渣现象。It cut a small mouth, neat, no dregs.

你怎么写得那么整齐来着?How can you contrive to write so even?