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我很喜欢看选美比赛。I really enjoy watching them.

他是那次选美比赛的一名评审。He was a judge at the beauty contest.

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你对选美比赛有什么看法?What do you think about beauty contests?

这学期我要选美国史。I'll take American history this semester.

斯宾克太太是什么时候成为选美皇后的呢?When did Mrs Spink take the beauty title?

是谁让老贝勒变作了选美评判员的?Who made the old bailey a judge of beauty?

她在21岁的时候首次摘取了“选美皇后”头衔。She took her first beauty title when she's 21.

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下一座奖杯可能来自一位选美大赛冠军吗?Could the next trophy be from a beauty pageant?

所有的选美比赛都只为苗条的女孩敞开大门。All the beauty contests are for slim girls only.

官方媒体也有关于这次选美的报道。Official media had also reported on the pageant.

如果观众想看选美比赛,那我们就举办选美比赛。If viewers want beauty pageants, give it to them.

选美比赛不再只是看有多漂亮。These pageants are not for beauty alone any more.

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李先生将做选美比赛的评判员。Mr. Li is going to be a judge of a beauty contest.

所以,我觉得,像选美比赛这种东西,So, I think that in something like a beauty contest,

你认为选美比赛对社会有利吗?Do you think beauty pageant contests benefit society?

赞成举办选美的是年轻人。It is young people who favor holding beauty pageants.

是啊.我要为下周的选美比赛做准备.Yes. I have to prepare for the beauty contest next week.

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这好像是一个所有参赛者都是丑八怪的选美比赛。This is a beauty contest where all the contestants are ugly.

原来以前的选美会是那样的。哈哈!So that's how beauty pageants were like in yesteryears. Haha!

但现在这位选美冠军学会了爱自己。But now this beauty-pageant winner has learned to love herself.