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元代的书法入画等。Yuan Dynasty calligraphy and other subjects.

引书入画对文人画的成熟发展有利有弊。It plays an active role in scholars paintings.

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黄山山景,处处可以入画。Every bit of Huangshan Mountain scenery is worth painting.

许多画家喜欢将风光明媚的乡村景色入画。Many artists love to paint pictures of the scenic countryside.

为你的开支和收入画一个简单的帐目表。Draw up a simple accounting chart for your expenses and revenues.

高山大海蓝天彩云,小雨轻盈入诗入画。Blue sea mountain clouds, light rain to the poem's favorite subjects.

他将群山入画前,素描了很多次。He sketched the mountains many times before making a painting of them.

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以金石线条入画,塑造了巨龙神圣、威严的形象。Starting from inscriptions, He shaped the dragon with sacred and divine image.

作为一个画家,他癖好以一本正经的人物入画,表现他们猛然摆脱繁文缛节后的形象。As a painter, he showed a penchant for formal figures suddenly released from all constraints.

她甚至把自己变成了角色,以致扮演得出神入画,连她本人也不再意识到这就是她自己。She even acted her own character and so well that she did not know it to be precisely her own.

研究心态与文入画的创作对我们的绘画创作具有重要意义。On the picturesque, with the mentality of our creative painting creation is of great significance.

这里的山、海、渔村、渔民后来都成了他入画的题材。The hill, the sea, the village, the fisherman and fisherwoman, are all materials for his painting.

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他又独创“折枝”法,择取花草中最美的部分入画。He founded "segmentation method" and selected the most beautiful parts of flowers or plants for drawing.

早期作品主要以静物为主,蔬菜草虫皆可入画,洋溢了温和真切人情味,质朴无华。Early works mainly in the main Still Life, vegetables , grass, Insects, with Modest real human touch, Rustic.

如果拍摄对象秃顶,就需要仰拍,这样头发入画少,并且不要使用头发光。If your model is balding, shoot from a lower angle to show less of their hair and don’t use a hair light at all.

在笔墨的运用上,他讲究以书法笔法入画,注重笔墨之间的对立统一关系。He paid attention to go into a painting by means of calligraphy style, and the opposition and uniform relation of pen and ink.

王维是著名诗人,同时又是影响深远的山水画家,他提倡以诗入画,诗画一体,对山水画的变革做出了重大贡献。Wang Wei, also a renowned poet, exerted a tremendous influence upon the creation of landscape painting in the middle Tang Dynasty.

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遇花便想赋诗,见蝶便想入画,观云便想抒怀,赏月便想留墨。In case of flowers will want to compose, he wanted to see the butterfly painting, clouds to poetry, the moon will want to keep ink.

其作品将传统笔墨和现代审美意识融为一体,以诗入画,以情感入画。Its works combine traditional pen and ink and modern aesthetic consciousness together, picturesque with the poem, picturesque with the emotion.

蒲槃献计让旭升在三贝勒前赢回信任,又愿意代子抵罪,好让他在以人入画一事上有所交代。These make up xu drives around in three baylor former win back the trust, and willing to generation son DiZui, good let him in to the RuHua a replacement.