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这回扣是非法的。This kickback is illegal.

每一个交了钱的人部可以得到回扣。Everyone who paid will receive a kickback.

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在美国拿回扣是违法行为。It is against law to get kickbacks in USA.

老板要从她的薪金中拿走回扣。The boss demanded a kickback on her wages.

别在这个体育场项目中拿回扣。Don't take kickback for the stadium project.

回扣是商业贿赂的主要表现形式。The main form of commercial bribery is kickback.

汤姆在承包大宗工程当中收取了大量的回扣。Tom got a lot of kickback in the awarding contract.

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谁敢说中国的官员们没有拿回扣?Chinese officials don't take kick backs, do they?????

这个推销员每销售一辆汽车得到50美元的回扣。The salesman got a $50 commission for every car he sold.

嫌疑就是有人拿了800万美元的回扣。The suspicion is that €8m in kickback payments were made.

不允许你从客户那里拿任何回扣。You are not allowed to get any commissions from the clients.

他的经纪人这次从他赚到的钱中索取了四分之一的回扣。His agent raked a quarter off everything he earned this time.

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原因之一,因为这是一种回扣程式无出其右。One of the reasons for this is a rebate program second to none.

我身不由己,从一家公司收受了一大笔回扣。I've involuntarily accepted a large amount of rebate from a company.

索取,支付或收受贿赂,赏金或回扣。Solicitation, payment or receipt of bribes, gratuities or kickbacks.

Devine周一不承认收受回扣的指控.Devine on Monday pleaded not guilty to the charges of accepting kickbacks.

商店老板说,不能退货,因为木工已经拿了回扣。Shop owner said, can not return because carpentry has taken kickbacks. Ms.

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如果这个订单能成的话,我们可以给你回扣和佣金。If the order can be accepted, we'll pay the kickback and commission to you.

欧盟执委会要求英特尔"立即停止所有违法行为".执委会称,只要回扣合法,英特尔可以继续提供回扣.Intel may continue to offer rebates, so long as they are legal, the Commission said.

南京家装市场上,有没有不拿装修回扣的、纯粹的设计师?Nanjing home holds the market, do not take those who decorate rake-off, dinkum stylist?