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请把电视机音量放小些。Please turn the TV down.

请把音量开小一点,好吗?Would you turn down the stereo?

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请你把音量开小一点好吗?Could you turn down the volume ?

把电视的音量开大一点,太轻了。Turn up the volume.It's too soft.

你可以把车里的收音机音量关小点吗?Could you turn down the car radio?

上下方向滑动调整音量。Slide up or down to adjust volume.

把电视的音量调大一点,它声太小了。Turn up the volume. It's too soft.

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把收音机的音量开小点,太吵人了!Turn down the radio, it's too loud.

请调节一下电视机的音量。Please modulate the sound on the TV.

请调大音量仔细聆听。Turn up the volume and listen closely.

请把音量放小点好吗?Would you please turn down the volume?

因为恐惧,艾尔弗雷德提高了音量。Alfred’s fear made him raise his voice.

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请把收音机音量调高一点。声音太低了。Please turn the radio up. It‘s too low.

所以我把收音机的音量调下。So I turn down the music on my FM dial.

你介不介意把音量放小呢?。Would you mind keeping your voice down?

渐弱力量或音量的逐渐减弱。A gradual decrease in force or loudness.

请调一下那个收音机的音量。Please regulate the sound on that radio.

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这个钮是调节音量的。This button is for adjusting the volume.

电视开着,音量调小。The TV is on with the volume turned down.

在喧闹中提高你的音量至让别人听到的程度Raising your voice to be heard over the din