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薏苡内酯的提取及分离纯化条件的研究。Study on Extraction and Separation of Lactone for Coix Lachrymajobi L.

本发明另外还公开了采用上述的薏苡米酒浸泡而成的薏苡米药酒。The invention also discloses a coix seed medicinal liquor obtained by soaking the coix seed wine.

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本研究中,我们应用这一方法对摩擦禾属、薏苡属和玉蜀黍属的几个种进行了分析。Comparative studies were performed by molecular banding among several species of the genera Tripsacum, Coix and Zea.

在此基础上,探讨了将复合天然防腐剂应用于薏苡奶的抑菌效果,并优化了复合天然防腐剂的配比。This paper also discusses the inhibitory effect of compound natural preservative on Job's tears milk and the best compound preservative proportion.

菌株对作物的安全性试验表明,麦根腐平脐蠕孢对作物的安全性显著高于薏苡平脐蠕孢。作为生防潜力菌株,麦根腐平脐蠕孢具有更大的应用潜力。In addition, the crop safety test showed that B. sorokinina was safer to major crops than B. soicis and had a better application prospect as bio-agent.

其余薏苡资源则构成另一个大类群。研究还发现,种质材料的遗传差异与其地域来源没有明显的关系。Other Job's tears composed another group. Moreover, it was found that genetic diversity of Job's tears resources wasn't associated with their origin obviously.

此保健品含有酵素、乳糖、乳酸菌、膳食纤维、薏苡子精华以及其他强身健体的成份。This heath supplement contains enzymes, lactose particularly Lactobacillus, dietary fibre, extracts of Coix Lachryma seed and other health-enhancing components.

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本发明涉及一种生物发酵酿酒工艺,尤其涉及一种采用薏仁米及薏苡秆和薏苡根发酵而成的保健酒。The invention relates to a biology fermentation brewing technology, in particular to a health wine brewed by fermentation of coix seed, coix stalk and coix root.

薏苡中存在具抑制雄性激素分泌的物质,可能可以运用在雄性素过高所引起之征状,如前列腺肿大、面疱及秃发症之改善上。By inhibiting androgen production, these compounds from adlay might be used for improvement of hypertrophy of the prostate, acne, baldness and other symptoms caused by hyperandrogenism.

薏苡中存在具抑制雄性激素分泌的物质,可能可以运用在雄性素过高所引起之徵状,如前列腺肿大、面疱及秃发症之改善上。By inhibiting androgen production, these compounds from adlay might be used for improvement of hypertrophy of the prostate, acne, baldness and other symptoms caused by hyperandrogenism.