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借著他为我们的罪流血舍命。Through his shedding blood for our sins.

人为朋友舍命,人的爱心没有比这个更大的。Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

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上帝派下他的儿子,圣洁的耶稣基督为我们的罪而舍命。God had His Son, Jesus Christ, punished in our place to pay the price for our sins.

如果我们时常拜读神的话语,就会时常被提醒耶稣爱我们为我们舍命。If we Read God's Word often, we can be reminded that Jesus loves us and died for us.

敬拜主,敬拜尊贵的主,祂曾舍命,今得荣耀,万王之王。Majesty, worship His majesty. Jesus, who died, now glorified , King of the all kings.

凌虚上人欲杀明涯,阿丧为掩护众人逃跑舍命拖延。People want to kill Ya Ling Xu Ming, a funeral to cover all escape his procrastination.

罪是你生命中的一个残酷暴君,但是基督不仅为我们的罪舍命,而且他向罪而死。Sin is a harsh tyrant in your life. But Christ not only died for our sins, He died to sin.

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彼得说,主阿,我为什么现在不能跟你去。我愿意为你舍命。Peter said unto him, Lord, why cannot I follow thee now? I will lay down my life for thy sake.

祂在十字架上舍命,作代罪的挽回祭,为上帝子民的罪平息上帝的忿怒。He died on the cross as a substitutionary, propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of God's people.

女郎“啪”地一鞭子,虎兄舍命纵身跳起,从火圈中钻了过去。The tiger risked his life by jumping up and pulling his through the ring as the woman slapped the lash.

九妹痊愈后,见擎天再次舍命救她,忍不住落下泪来。Nine younger sister after recovery, see giant to give his life to save her again, cant help falling tears.

幸运的是,你可以从肮脏的小队鼠洞撤出并投入到题目贴切的“舍命攻击”。Fortunately we can back out of these squalid squad-based rat tunnels and move on to the aptly titled Die Hard Attack.

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主啊,若我们煽起了偏见的余烬,也就是你舍命为要将之熄灭的,求你怜悯我们吧!Lord, if we incite the prejudicial fire ashes, which exactly want to extinguish by your shedding life, please have mercy on us!

杜老大见二毛不计前嫌,舍命也要带自己走,在二毛背上不禁哭了出来。The eldest brother du reach out to see two hairs, also want to take his lay down his life for his walk, weeping at the back out.

没有任何的爱能超过你对我和你向我所表达的爱,就是你为了我可以永远和你在一起而为我舍命的爱。No greater love exists than the love You had and demonstrated for me when You gave up Your life for me so that I could live eternally with You.

整个墨索里尼政权在国都土崩瓦解,没有什麽人惋惜,更没有一人为了维护这政权而舍命。The whole edifice of Mussolini's regime collapsed in the capital with so little regret that not a single man died trying to stop the overthrow.

我们救主舍命时的情景,邪恶的环境,祂被人所刺,所喝的苦杯,不都在经上预言吗?Were not all the minute sinful circumstances about the death of our blessed Redeemer, as the piecing of him, giving him gall to drink, foretold?

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神的儿子耶稣基督却过了完全顺服的一生,祂尽了诸般的义,到最后,还为了救赎我们而甘愿舍命牺牲。Christ, God's Son, came to live a life of perfect obedience and to do all that man had failed to do. Having done all that, he gave his life for us all.

耶稣说,你愿意为我舍命吗。我实实在在的告诉你,鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。Jesus answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice.

一名学校教师在和妻子去埃及旅行出海时遭遇暴风雨,为救妻子、他舍命海上。Teacher drowns saving wife on storm-hit honeymoon cruise A schoolteacher died saving his wife’s life after their Egyptian sailing boat capsized in a storm.