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她的清秀美丽使他倾倒。Her comeliness overwhelmed him.

她的哥哥是一位眉目清秀的年轻男士。Her brother is a tall good-looking young man.

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屏幕上出现了一个清秀的女孩的脸。On the screen appeared a girl of comely face.

这个姑娘身材佼好,面容清秀。The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.

拥有一张纤细清秀的瓜子脸是众多女士的梦想。Many women dream of a sleek and refined face contour.

整个山头是一座幽雅清秀的公园式陵园。The whole mountain is a fine elegant park-style cemetery.

他面色光红,双目清秀,容貌俊美。He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features.

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约翰·奥尔登,清秀,年轻,立即回答道。Straightway answered and spake John Alden, the comely, the youthful.

这儿,一个清秀的女子教练一起和犯人在监狱院子里慢跑。Here, a comely woman coach jogs alongside an inmate in the prison yard.

白道行比青高,看中了清秀老实的印刷工场刻工许仙。White than green high, fancy handsome honest carved Xu Xian printing factory.

扬起脸,映入眼帘的是一张比葵花更加绚烂明亮的清秀面庞。Yang Qilian, greeted the sunflower is more gorgeous than a bright handsome faces.

我了解你,你会傻到要去劝架。能允许我说,你今晚看起来很清秀吗?。I know you. You're stupid enough to break it up. May I say you look very comely tonight?

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海芋的花语非常美,是纯洁。幸福。清秀。纯净的爱。Beautiful words of Hai Yu is very beautiful, it is chasteness , happiness, comely, sincere love.

天已大亮了,我这才看清了女孩儿的面容,她眉眼清秀。It was in the daytime that I could clearly see her face---a beautiful girl with delicate features.

我最喜欢的花是马蹄莲,它清秀淡雅,给人一种淡淡的美感。My favorite flower is the calla lily, it is delicate and pretty elegant, giving a touch of beauty.

五年过去,陈秋石还不知道家中已有一个儿子,儿子生得眉目清秀可爱之极。Over the past five years, Chen Qiushi also dont know home has a son, the son born to add very cute.

我最喜欢的花是马蹄莲,它清秀淡雅,给人一种淡淡的美感。My favorite flower is the calla, delicate features and elegant that it gives people a touch of beauty.

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虽然王永庆国小毕业,但是他的字相当清秀,书法很好。Although Wang Yongqing country is small, graduate, but his word is quite comely , calligraphy is very good.

他单位里刚分来一位大学毕业的女同事,人长得眉目清秀,气质非凡。His unit had just a university graduate female colleagues, who looked very fair, extraordinary temperament.

从更大的范围上讲,选民们经常仅因为某个政客的外表整洁清秀而对他做出有利的反应。On a larger scale, voters often react favorably to a politician simply because of his clean-cut appearance.