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他曾是一名公务员,黄金探矿者,记者,讲师。He worked as a civil servant, gold prospector, reporter, lecturer.

至于黄金,这位现代探矿者淘金的法子还和1848年时相差无几。As for the gold, this modern-day prospector pans it like it's 1848.

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探矿人员在这里发现了方解石、石英等矿藏。The prospectors have discovered such minerals as calcite, quartz here.

于是,探矿者们违反条约,闯入了印弟安人的圣山。And in violation of the treaty, prospectors entered the Indians' holy mountains.

他是在硬币探宝,墓地探宝,金矿探矿领域最受欢迎的仪器。Its most popular uses include coin-shooting, relic hunting, and gold prospecting.

探矿者淘选从河床中挖出的少量含金泥砂和沙砾。The prospector panned off bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。The prospector panned off bits of a sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream.

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迄今,没多少人愿意下赌注在此探矿,他们更愿意去南边的怀俄明州。So far, not many vacationers have put in stakes, as they have to the south, in Wyoming.

壤中蜡样芽孢杆菌找矿法是微生物地球化学探矿方法之一。The mineral exploration using Bacillus cereus in soils belongs to the microbial geochemistry.

根据新的探矿投资,提取并加工了额外石油供应?Compared to the new investments required to find, extract and process additional oil supplies?

地面上纵横交错着探矿留下的沟壕,不远处是正在拔地而起的海水淡化工厂。Prospecting trenches crossed the field not far from where the desalination plant was going up.

这位年老的探矿者,独自一个人在山上呆了很久,他已发疯了。The old prospector had stayed alone up in the mountains so long that he'd gone off his rocker.

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由于储量丰厚,卡尔古利如今的探矿者可不仅仅只是业余爱好者。With such abundant reserves, Kalgoorlie's modern-day prospectors are more than just hobbyists.

我们需要开始探矿,去发现这些矿是否能合理开采。We need to start prospecting, to figure out if this is an ore that can be processed reasonably.

他们很快了解到,这些神奇宝贝在雇用一个父亲的女儿水球队探矿。They soon learn that these Pokémon are in the employ of a father-daughter team of water prospectors.

二矿场应检附矿场登记证、采矿或探矿执照。Minefields shall submit the minefield registration certificates, minefield excavating or prospecting certificates.

这些故事让这位农民如此心潮澎湃,他等不及要卖掉农场,踏上探矿之路。These tales so excited the farmer that he could hardly wait to sell his farm and go prospecting for diamonds himself.

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它们可以用于海底探矿或探测对人类太危险的深层区域的矿物。They can be used to explore for minerals on the ocean floor or in deep areas of mines too dangerous for humans to enter.

按照合同,他们要么被允许搬走黄金,要么得到探矿费用的赔偿。Under the contract, either they are allowed to lift the gold or they have to be compensated for their exploration costs.

我想地球化学探矿技术也很重要。地球化学工作者们可以分析矿物样品,确定其成分。I think geochemical techniques are important, too. Geochemists can analyze the mineral samples to determine their elements.