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你是说你能推算出来?What do you mean, you counted it?

这是一个很有趣的推算过程。It's a very interesting little process.

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它们推算怎样才能最彻底地打败我They reason about how best to defeat me.

根据推算,潮水将在清晨退下去。The ebb was to fall early in the morning.

1993年以前的入院人数系推算数。Number of impatients before 1993 is estimated.

这一过程可以相当精确地推算出来。This process can be dated with some precision.

对于那些人,我推荐用忌辰蛋糕来推算年份。To those I recommend using the Deathday Cake dating.

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用演绎法推算的结果是错误的。The result calculated by the deductive method is wrong.

照此推算,一个200磅重的人,他体内的水份重达120磅。So, if you take a 200-pound man, he's 120 pounds of water.

使用密度计去推算粒孚的最大直径。Densitometry was used to calculate peak particle diameters.

日食发生的时间可以推算出来。The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.

我凭我的法术推算得出你笔直往前走去,就会找到伦恩国王。I know by my art that you will find King Lune straight ahead.

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他推算了自己的情况,只有嫖娼后感染的可能。He projected his own, only after the prostitutes may be infected.

推算计算机接下来最可能的动向才是制胜关键The odds are the computer's going to make the best possible move.

是一种基于快速付立叶变换的递推算法。RFFT is a recursive algorithm based on Fast Fourier Transformation.

以此推算,2009年英国金融业产值数据估测误差在35-55亿英镑。That's a measurement error of about £35-£55 billion based on 2009 data.

事实上,你可以从遗传相似度,得到他的推算。And in fact, you get his calculations by looking at genetic relatedness.

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以此推算出射阳港工程潮位。The reliable engineering tidal levels of Sheyang harbour are calculated.

他们推算出每个选项的成本和能源消耗为两年。They projected costs and energy consumption two years out for each option.

根据颧弓最高点间距可推算卵圆孔穿刺时穿刺针进针的深度。Depth of puncture can be deduced according to interval of apogee of malar archs.