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那座坟墓上散放着几朵红玫瑰。A few red roses were scattered on the tomb.

他们把石头都散放在地Where they have left not one stone on a stone

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那些书散放在书架上。The books were lying on the shelves all anyhow.

暂停捕捞,散放了鼓眼鱼的鱼苗。Fishing was suspended. Walleye fry were stocked.

铁路枕木上散放着几块木板。Some boards laid loosely on the railroad crossties.

散放,亦称散置、置石,是将石头单放或组放。Loose, loose, or stone, is the stone or delivery group.

智慧也在你之内,让它散放出来。Wisdom, too, is already within you. Let it shine forth.

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地上散放着几本书和杂志。Scattered on the floor were several books and magazines.

有些鸡贩威胁要将活禽散放街头。They have threatened to release live poultry onto the streets.

他把所有文件都打开散放在上面,逐页检查了一遍。He spread all the papers out on it and checked sheet after sheet.

他将酥皮切成几大块,散放在盘子里。The meringue is broken into chunks and scattered about the plate.

他给四处散放的设备拍了好几十张照片。He was taking several dozen photographs of the spread-out equipment.

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在院子里,还有几只散放的鸡在慢腾腾地走着。In the centre of the yard, a few loose chickens were sluggishly wandering around.

我总是以温柔的抚拍和赞扬结束课程,然后散放狗儿。ALWAYS end the session by softly brushing and praising him and then releasing him.

房间里散放着几本书,但除此之外几乎没有什么东西。There were a few books here and there, but apart from that the room was quite bare.

WCS尝试改变农户在山间散放家畜的饲养方式,以期减少人虎冲突。WCS is exploring alternative cattle raising methods aimed at reducing human-tiger conflict.

没有问题。可以把它切成大块分散放在一些无糖的调味明胶里并冷冻起来。No problem. Cut it into chunks and scatter them in some sugar-free flavored gelatin, then chill.

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他们直到中午才在洒满阳光的起居室里用早餐。玫瑰花在房子里散放着芳香。They breakfasted at noon in the sunny sitting room, where the air was heavy with the scent of roses.

2004年,作为州长的他散放两个仔猪在南卡罗来纳州议会大厦,以抗议猪肉。In 2004, as governor, helettwo piglets loose intheSouth Carolina state house as a protest against pork.

从简单的二值图像出发提出灰度图像的离散放缩算法。A discrete algorithm for grayscale image resizing through binary image zooming in 3D space is presented.