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但这些都是万不得已的解决方案。But those are solutions of last resort.

除非万不得已,否则我一点也不想到外面去。But I didn't like to go out unless I had to.

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除非万不得已,他们不喜欢迁徙They didn't move, unless they were driven to move.

只有在万不得已的情况下才允许使用抗生素。The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis.

非万不得已不要用这种药。Don't take this medicine unless it's absolutely necessary.

退热药副作用大,非万不得已不用。Side effects of antipyretics , and non-last resort do not.

相信除非万不得已,不应由政府进行救援。Believes a government bailout should only be a last resort.

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不到万不得已我才会去管点闲事,一般我还是很尊重他人的隐私的。I try to respect people's privacy unless I have to be nosy.

只有在万不得已时才编写自己的布局管理器。Only as a last resort should you write your own layout manager.

万不得已,在单身十年后,她来找我了。She came to me as a last resort, having been single for a decade.

现有的矿物燃料发电站被“封存”,仅在万不得已时使用。Existing fossil fuel stations are "mothballed" for use only as a last resort.

因此,通常只在万不得已时才进行压缩。As a result, compaction is generally only done when it appears to be necessary.

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以后我可能出示你的自白书,但只是在为了拯救小麦卡锡万不得已的时候。Then I could produce your confession at the last extremity to save young McCarthy.

我同意你的意见。仲裁是万不得已的事。I am favor of your opinion. the arbitration is the worst way to resolve the matter.

好在那宽阔的马埃斯河在万不得已时能给我们充当一个好的屏障。Nevertheless, the broad Maes will be a good barrier betwixt us, even should it so chance.

她说,在过去历次经济低迷时,企业都是在万不得已的时候才开始裁员。In past downturns, she said, companies 'would go into the misery zone' before laying off workers.

命令是指在万不得已的情况下可以有秩序、有计划地撤退。The orders were to retreat only in a desperate situation and then in an orderly well-planned way.

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在这种情况下,用电子监控设备使社会更加安全是万不得已的措施。Under such circumstances, using electronic surveillance to make society more secure is a measure of last resort.

他对这一切毫不在意,把它们当作蛛丝一样轻轻拂去,只是在万不得已时才给以回敬。All this he brushed aside as though it were a cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him.

而通用公司在欧洲的麻烦已经不少,在万不得已接管之前,它巴不得菲亚特汽车公司能够自己把问题解决好。GM, which has its own problems in Europe, is desperate for Fiat Auto to sort itself out before it can be forced to take over.