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助养一名孩子的年期需要多久?For how long do I sponsor a child?

半年期报告应以议定的标准格式提交。The semi-annual reports shall be submitted on an agreed standard form.

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牛熊证的年期愈长,总融资成本愈高。The longer the duration of the CBBC, the higher the total funding costs.

在少年期远足到欧洲学习外文专业将会发生什么?。Whatever happened to the junior-year excursion to Europe for foreign-language majors?

对于农业和农工产品,订下来的最长互免关税年期是15年。In the case of agricultural and agro-industrial goods, the maximum period is set at 15 years.

演示版本与居港年期的行动是可根据以下的参考。Demo version with the qualifying period action is accessible according to the following reference.

我要享受人寿保险和健康保险,为期一周的带薪年期,每周工作五天。I'll also enjoy life insurance and health insurance, a one-week paid vacation a year and a 5-day work week.

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指对新近发行债券支付的第一期利息,这种利息要低于一般的半年期或一年期利息。The first interest payment on a recently issued bond which is less than the normal semi-annual or annual payment.

把居民住房贷款年限从15年延长到20年,执行半年期贷款的优惠利率。The maximum maturity of housing loans was extended from 15 years to 20, and a six-month preferential rate is applied.

自从征服之后,在过去五百年期间,各个玛雅部族开始彩不同的新年期和解释。During the 500 years since the Conquest, various Mayan tribes have adopted various new- year dates and interpretations.

客户从酒单上选择,酒单是由餐馆提供的一种酒的菜单,列举了就的类型和制造年期。The customer makes a choice from a wine list, a menu of wines offered by the restaurant, listing the types and vintages.

二零零一年年底,所有未偿还定息债券的平均年期比二零零零年略长。The average maturity profile of all outstanding fixed-rate debt at the end of 2001 increased slightly compared with 2000.

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列作经营租赁之预付土地租赁款项按租赁年期以直线法摊销。Prepaid land lease payments under an operating lease is amortised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease term.

OECD发现从幼儿期开始投资并一直持续到少年期能得到最高的回报率。The rate of return is highest when investment starts in early childhood and continues steadily into the teenage years, the OECD found.

营业契约之租金支出均按有关契约年期以直线法自收益表中扣除。Rental payments under operating leases are charged to the income statement on a straight-line Basis over the period of the relevant leases.

交易商在新公司债交易定价前重新调整头寸,买入年期较长的公债,扶助推高长期公债价格.Buying of longer maturity Treasuries as dealers repositioned after new corporate bond deals priced helped boost the long bond, traders said.

Piazzoli还说“拿破仑在他少年期与他在圣赫勒拿岛弥留之际头发中的砷含量没有显著不同。Moreover, there were no significant differences in arsenic levels between when Napoleon was a boy and during his final days in Saint Helena.

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年期较长的外汇基金债券与同期美国国库券的收益率差距维持于正水平,但息差已于年内收窄。The yield differentials between the Exchange Fund Notes and US Treasuries remained positive at the long end, but had narrowed during the year.

资产之折旧准备乃以直线法,按各资产之估计可使用年期,撤销各资产之成本减预测剩余价值。Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis to write off the cost less estimated residual value of each asset over its estimated useful life.

开拓江苏省常熟市自来水供应服务,透过中外合资合营管理常熟水厂,合作年期为30年。Secured a foothold in the water supply market in Changshu, Jiangsu Province through a joint venture which holds a 30-year water management concession.