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议会再颁布了那个法律。Congress reenacted the law.

国会已颁布了一项新的税法。Congress has enacted a new tax law.

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国王颁布了大赦令。The king decreed a general amnesty.

他也以沙皇之尊颁布有关日常生活的法令He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.

其亦可颁布特赧或缓刑令。He also has the power to issue pardons and reprieves.

我们希望政府能再次颁布这样的措施“,罗觉果斯说。We want them to repeat the measure, " said Rodrigues."

政府已颁布了新的税改方针。The government has issued new guidelines on tax reform.

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演说者攻击政府颁布的新法令。The speaker declaimed against the government's new law.

希尔的规则颁布孔冠军,如果有一个。Hill's rule enacts the Condorcet winner if there is one.

他是第一个颁布法律废除奴隶制度的总统吗?Was he the first president to pass laws to stop slavery?

奇奥赛斯库颁布法令要求所有的女人必须生5个孩子。Ceausescu decreed that all women must bear five children.

法庭的判决将于礼拜三颁布。The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.

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政府又颁布了另一项战争宣言。Another war declaration was handed down by the government.

相关法律于1997年颁布,这是第一次有人因此获刑。It was the first time anyone was charged under a 1997 law.

法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market.

家长认为,美国最高法院最近颁布的一项法令对现状于事无补。And a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling doesn't help parents.

政府不久将颁布哪些环境法规呢?What environment-related laws the government will enact next?

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朱元璋颁布的这项政策内容是什么?What was the content of the ban promulgated by Zhu Yuanzhang?

我国的商事立法一直采用颁布单行法的模式。Chinese commercial law adopts a model of specific regulations.

库吉尔随即颁布法令,将四月一日永远定为荒谬的一天。Kuji Er then decreed that April 1 will never be as absurd day.