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他的步态不雅观。He is awkward in his gait.

大而重,但很雅观。It’s big and heavy but elegant.

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吃相当然是不大雅观的。Eating is certainly not elegant.

挖鼻孔很不雅观。It's not nice to pick your nose.

他将领女士参不雅观巴尔的摩。He will show the woman around Baltimore.

可是,你会因此错过那绚丽无比的景不雅观。But then you'll miss the magnificent view.

到工地的所有参不雅观者必需带上安全帽。All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.

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那件红色的外衣穿在她身上很雅观。That red coat which is on her looks quite pretty.

你知道不雅观澜有什么在世界闻名?Do you know what Guanlan is famous for in the world?

电脑的电线也是十分的零乱,一点都不雅观。Computer wires behind the desk are very messy as well.

古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇不雅观之一。The Pyramids were among the seven wonders of the world.

一切显得漂亮、雅观、简洁、和谐!All is beautiful, tasteful, unpretentious and harmonious!

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通过一个东非的案例,朱尔斯进一步阐述了其不雅观点。He illustrated the point, with an example from East Africa.

流汗的时候丝绸会显示你的汗渍,那样就不雅观,他说道。Sweating in silk is not so nice, because it shows, he says.

在众人面前交换食物或将食物分半是不雅观的。Exchange of food or division of food in public is bad taste.

在成长的过程中,他们学会了责任和家庭价值不雅观。They learn responsibility and family values as they grow up.

交叉在一起坐下时,姿势很不雅观。His skis crossed and he sat down in a most undignified manner.

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咳,我听说在公开场合“赤身?体”是不雅观的!Well, I've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions!

那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是雅观极了。Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

这是非常不雅观,同时这也反映出他们的工作效率。It is unsightly and this can reflect on the efficiency of their work.