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货币是可替换物。Money is fungible.

任何形式的货币.Any type of currency.

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津巴布韦货币没有任何价值!Zim currency has no value!

斧头就是货币。Axe-heads for him are money.

货币是商品交换的媒介。Money is the meda of exchage.

我们的货币非常疲软。We have a very weak currency.

一个强硬的紧缩型货币市场A money market tough to tighten

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这些货币平价兑换。This currency exchanges at par.

它也不仅仅是外国货币。It is not just foreign currency.

请问你要兑换什么货币?What would you like to exchange?

货币-塞尔维亚第纳尔和欧元Currency C Serbian Dinar and euro

没有薪水、贸易、或自身的货币。No wages, trade, or money per se.

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迪士尼不再发售货币。Disney is no longer minting money.

其他货币依旧很昂贵。Other currencies are dearer still.

伯里兹所使用的基本货币单位。The basic unit of money in Belize.

无法变更请款货币!Unable to switch billing currency!

货币名称为法国法郎。Currency name for the French franc.

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瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。The Swiss franc is a hard currency.

美元对主要货币互有涨跌,黄金价格上涨。The dollar was mixed and gold rose.

哥斯大黎加的货币单位是什麽?What is the currency of Costa Rica?