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你的屋宇乃是你较大的躯壳。You house is your larger body.

她就剩下一个躯壳了。She's just a shell of who she once was.'

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动摇我自以为是的躯壳?Vacillates body which I think oneself infallible?

阿森纳空有大俱乐部的躯壳,里面都是一坨小鸡肚肠么?Arsenal are a big club with a small club mentality.

在那个日渐衰弱的躯壳里的,还是那个他。It was still him in there, inside the failing shell.

他把骆驼的内脏取出来,剥下它的皮,然后爬进骆驼的躯壳中。He guts and skins the camel and crawls inside its carcass.

闹钟叫起的只是我的躯壳,叫不醒沉睡的心。The alarm clock is only my body, not wake the sleeping heart.

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你再也不会只有一具要死不活的躯壳,徒增你逃亡的困难。You will no longer have a half-dead body to make escape harder.

她似乎几乎与她自身都分离开了-仅仅剩下一个空虚的躯壳。She seemed almost to be apart from herself-- vacuous duplicate only.

闹钟叫起的只是我的躯壳,叫不醒沉睡的心。What the alarm clock wakes up is only my body, not my sleeping heart.

他克服种种艰难险阻只为求得一颗心来照亮自己冰泠的躯壳。He overcame all the difficulties to get a heart to warm his ice-cold body.

当铺中有许多典当了灵魂的躯壳,他们做任何的家务。There are lots of pawns soul's body in the pawnshop, they do all housework.

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车得鸣笛声,人的议论声将我拉入现实,将那灵魂带入了这躯壳!The car was horn, people talk to pull me into reality, the soul to the body!

我们一齐人都在自己的躯壳内被孑立囚禁毕生。We are ma lot of sentenced to solitary confinement , Inside our own skins for life.

生活令他们精疲力竭,徒剩一副躯壳。Life truly wears them down and out and there is nothing but a shell of a person left.

约有一或两周,那期间我放纵自己陷入睡眠状态,只剩下一副躯壳。And then it's as if I'm drifting off to exile inside myself with only a shell remaining.

通用汽车最终宣告破产。目前的艰巨任务是从残败的躯壳中保存一些有益的部分。GM declares bankruptcy, at last. The challenge is to save something useful from the wreckage.

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我的身躯太沉重了,带不走它……但它只不过是一具被丢弃了的旧躯壳。I cannot carry this body with me. It is too heavy. But it will be like an old abandoned shell.

数月艰辛过后,即使是一具老山羊的冰冷躯壳,也意味着生死两重天。After months of hardship, even an old goat carcass can mean the difference between life and death.

在班加西中部,安全总部仅剩下疲惫不堪躯壳。In the central Benghazi, there is the burnt-out shell of the sinister internal security headquarters.