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现在他手里的剑被人打落了。It's been knocked out of his hand now.

她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。She struck a glass of wine in my hand.

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他在和另外两个男人打落袋台球。He was shooting pool with two other men.

雨打落窗台,潮湿了心。Rain bowls off a window sill, damp heart.

雨滴胡乱的打落在她的心上。Muting each drop in her wild-beating heart.

雨滴打落在地上,陪伴它们的只有水。Raindrops alone the ground, only water with them.

在巨大的愤怒中,他将一个巨型的装饰灯打落在舞台上。In great anger, he makes a huge chandelier fall onto the stage.

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桑科给了那理发匠一拳,几乎打落他的牙齿。Sancho gave the barber a blow and almost knocked out his teeth.

泰瑞将他的枪打落到一边,伊菜晃开一把小折刀走向金姆。She knocks his gun aside and he flips open a pocketknife on Kim.

子弹直飞目标,把香烟的灰烬打落了。The bullet flew to its target and knocked the ashes off the cigarette.

大概是在一次火山喷发中,火山灰把它从网上打落下来,并使其窒息。Perhaps the ash fall from an eruption pulled her from her web and smothered her.

这时,梦晓薇故意打落茶杯,摔倒在地。At this time, the dream strike teacup XiaoWei deliberately and fell to the ground.

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在我的记忆里,便士是头野兽,然后伤病他把打落凡间。From what I can remember Penny was a beast that was honestly derailed by injuries.

我知道了,被打落了牙齿连血一起吞的人才是坚强的。I know, have been knocked teeth with the blood of people with swallowing is strong.

萧萧秋雨打落了栗子和橡实,噼噼啪啪打在砾石之上,略带奇异。The chestnuts and acorns dropped in showers. And the patter on the gravel was a little weird.

此时雨点打落在马车的窗户上,使得原本阴暗的故事更加阴暗。As if to make the gloomy story even gloomier , the rain began beating down on the carriage windows.

“不要烦我。”肖宇风不耐烦的一挥手,打落了曼妮手中的茶杯。" Don't bother me. " Xiao Feng impatient wave of his hand, knocked out Mani in the hands of the cup.

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群众里有些人跳到他身上,打落他的头盔,把他打倒在地上拳脚相向。Men in the crowd jump on him, knock off his helmet, and beat him to the ground, kicking and punching.

虽然被打落机翼,麦卡伦却乘机拧开了飞机油箱。Although we are knocked wing, but took the opportunity to screw McCarran opened the aircraft fuel tank.

他一把夺过钻井激光炮的控制权,将宝石全打落到熔岩里,导致任何人都得不到它。He took control of a drilling laser and blasted the treasure into a lava flow, sealing it off from capture.