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时间常驻,我们疾步。Alas, Time stays, we go.

妳告诉我妳必须走了,我开始疾步追赶妳。You tell me to go, I start walkin out.

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时间疾步,是你说的?不。时间常驻,我们疾步。Time goes , you say ? no ! Time stays , we go.

他听到一匹马正在疾步驰近。He heard a horse approaching ata spanking trot.

时间疾步,是你说的吗?啊不。呜呼哀哉!时间常驻,我们疾步。Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go.

时间疾步,是你说的?啊不,哎呀,时间常驻,我们疾步。Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas , Time stays, we go.

他们站在作为总统疾步向前方。They stood as the president walked quickly to the front.

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她站在那儿迟疑了片刻,然后拿定主意向汽车站疾步走去。She stood hesitant for a minute and then struck out for the bus stop.

老尼克疾步如飞,就像拉着一辆空车一样。Old Nick went off with that load as if there were nothing in the cart.

最后,他匆匆地向主任轻声道别,疾步走向门口。At last, he whispered a hurried goodbye to his host and darted toward door.

在疾步前进的欲望映衬之下,两党合作的承诺黯然失色。The pledge to be bipartisan is being eclipsed by the desire to act quickly.

最后,他匆匆地向主人轻声道别,疾步走向门口。At last, he whispered a hurried goodbye to his host and darted toward the door.

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我大喊一声,疾步穿过老陈的海报与旗帜,奔向该名男子。I shouted and then burst toward him sprinting past Mr. Chen's posters and flags.

他疾步向一旁走去,当他们跨过一束宽宽的日光时,他的两眼又恢复了生气勃勃的蓝色。He stepped swiftly off, his eyes coming to blue life as they passed a broad sunbeam.

我立即起身说那太麻烦了,就疾步跟过去。At once I stood up and said it was too inconvenient, I then walked quickly to follow him.

在国际舞台上,许多国家正疾步踏入无现金社会。On the international stage, many countries are moving at fast pace into the cashless society.

小女孩疾步如飞的往家奔去,到家后就直接进了自己的房间。She ran all the way up four flights of stairs,into her family's apartment,and straight to her own room.

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Cang把中国的企业家分为两类,一种是疾步飞驰,寻求刺激的冒险主义者。Cang categorizes Chinese entrepreneurs into two types. One is the adventurer who moves fast and likes taking risks.

刺骨的寒风直侵骨髓,帕特里克•赖安穿着一件根本无法抵御御寒的破旧大衣,疾步走向位于巴利布拉的酒馆。A threadbare overcoat did little to keep the piercing wind off Patrick Ryan's back as he walked briskly to the pub at Ballyblagh.

他在河边疾步匆匆,就像一个人幼小的时候紧跟在大人身旁、紧紧被被大人的惊险故事抓住时那样。By the side of the river he trotted as one trots, when very small, by the side of a man who holds one spellbound by exciting stories.