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钱包业已空无分文。The purse is empty of its contents.

入世后,开放我国律师业已是大势所趋。It is a tendency to open up this trade.

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危机业已酿成。The crisis has been already brought on.

顾拜旦第一个希望业已实现。Coubertin's first hope has been fulfilled.

他独自醒来,发现业已落轿。He woke alone, and found the litter halted.

卡佩罗需要激发球队业已枯槁的活力。Capello needs to refresh a dynamism that has waned.

这种妨碍早于一九四二年九月业已开始。This interference began as early as September 1942.

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古罗马文化业已衰亡,而以其文明所建的圆柱现在依然存在。Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.

事过境迁,现在的互联网业已是一个新形的产业。But times have changed, and the Web is now big business.

然而,此次危机业已无情地暴露了政治上的失败。But this crisis has shone a pitiless light on that failure.

到1970年,通用小型计算机业已泛起并成批量出产。By 1970, general small computer has a batch to produce and.

研究业已表明,我们在不断重复上述错误。Studies have shown we are hardwired to make these mistakes.

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人民民主专政业已巩固。The people's democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.

一款由日本研制的超级萌猫耳,业已成为该国的最新时尚。They're adorable. They're also the latest fashion in Japan.

太阳业已落下,天空从橘黄色化为铅灰色。The sun had just set, the sky moving from orange to dark-gray.

发布了52条播客之后,他业已完成了该小说第一章的释义。Fifty-two podcasts later, he has reached the end of Chapter One.

秦时,浙江的制盐业已颇具规模。In the Qin Dynasty, Zhejiang had large-scale of salt production.

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同时,全面大反攻的准备工作业已着手进行。Meanwhile, preparations went on for an all-out counteroffensive.

养禽业已达到选择极限了吗?。Selection limits, have they been reached in the poultry industry?

改善环境的决议业已正式批准。A resolution that conditions should be improved has been ratified.