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穿刺针是新的并且是第一次使用the needle being used is new and is being used for the first time

穿刺针在穿刺后会放入一个特殊密封容器中被妥善处理the needle is disposed of in a special sealed container after the piercing

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腔肠动物的刺针对于外界的刺激很敏感。The stings of coelenterates are quite sensitive towards outside stimulation.

根据颧弓最高点间距可推算卵圆孔穿刺时穿刺针进针的深度。Depth of puncture can be deduced according to interval of apogee of malar archs.

上述的穿刺针外管的外面还有一套管。The exterior of the puncture needle outer tube is also provided with a jacket tube.

她的飞船“刺针号”同样典雅高贵,由西佐为她度身定制。She traveled in an elegant custom vessel named the Stinger, provided to her by Xizor.

刺针球路是击球的一种方式,使用这种打法可使球贴近地面飞行从而避免风力影响。A stinger is a type of shot that stays low to the ground so that it can avoid the wind.

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如果误刺到颈动脉,拨出穿刺针并按压5分钟。N. If you hit the carotid artery , pull the needle out and hold pressure for 5 minutes.

详细介绍了各种类型的刺针产品及热风烘干定型机。A wide range of needles and hot-air through heat-setting machine were described in detail.

穿刺针表现为超声回波,穿刺针沿着超声中显像的静脉插入。The needle appears echogenic and can be followed into the image of the vein on ultrasound.

然后,通过B超定们以后就把这个穿刺针直接插到肿瘤中心。Then, under the guidance of the B- sonography , trocar is inserted into the center of tumor.

我们请她教我们如何使用刺针球路击球,还谈论到她继续学习新语言的任务。We asked her to teach us about this term and her mission to continue learning new languages.

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根据织物的需要可采用其它款式横截面的刺针。According to the need of fabrics, we could use other styles cross section of felting needles.

在比尔博遇到了一大群巨大的蜘蛛后,这把剑就被命名为刺针。The name Sting was given to the sword after Bilbo's encounter with a bunch of huge arachnids.

在找到颈内静脉后,换大口径穿刺针和12毫升注射器重复以上步骤。After you find the IJ, switch to a large-caliber needle with a 12 ml syringe repeat this step.

活检时,医生将穿刺针插入前列腺,取出组织进行分析。To per form a biopsy, a physician inserts a needle into the prostate and remos tissue for analysis.

活检时,医生将穿刺针插入前列腺,取出组织进行分析。To perform a biopsy, a physician inserts a needle into the prostate and removes tissue for analysis.

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方法用YL—1型穿刺针穿刺引流治疗慢性硬膜下血肿65例,术后给予血府逐瘀汤口服。Methods Using YL-1 puncture needle to puncture and drainage in 65 cases of chronic subdural hematoma.

结论提示双蝶式多功能穿刺针可以应用于临床,以便减轻患者的痛苦。Conclusions Ambi-butterfly transfixion pin can be used in the clinical to relieve suffering of patients.

引导扩张一体式穿刺针由针体、针芯构成,针体尾端连接扩张器。在临床使用前,先行气管穿刺。The transfixion pin is composed of a pin body, pin core and a dilator connected with the end of pin body.