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大小对比。Size contrast.

核装置的大小。Size of the device.

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数据对象的大小。Size of data objects.

什么是字体大小?What's the font size?

掌管大小一百三十八地狱。Administer size 138 hell.

那取决于它的部头大小了。That's about the size of it.

我使用的是加仑大小的玻璃瓶。I use gallon-size glass jars.

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左键拖曳以改变文字盒大小。Left drag to resize text box.

同真卡一样大小。Same size as genuine DS card.

浇口类型和大小是否合适?Are gates type and size right?

我得到一间像火柴盒大小的房间。I've got a matchbox of a room.

事无大小,依赖他人。Rely on others for everything.

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那就是你最理想的字体大小了。That’s your optimal font size.

按字节显示文件的大小The size of the file in bytes.

土粒的大小是怎样量出来的?。How are the particles measured?

来,看看他的家伙事的大小。Look at the size of his putter.

主轴孔的大小是105毫米。The spindle bore size is 105mm.

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你体型的大小和构成。Your body size and composition.

不要让它的大小误导你了。Don't let its size misguide you.

赫雷什我的大小来衡量它。Heres the size as I measured it.