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一株株树,一丛丛灌木在她的四周拍打着枝叶。All the trees and bushes beat about her.

丛丛枯萎的野草发出的热量是惊人的。The heat from the wisps of dead grass is terrific.

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哦,一群一群地多象伦敦市镇上的丛丛鲜花!Oh what a multitude they seemed, these flowers of London town!

海底丛丛的海草随着湖水摇曳生姿。Groves of seaweeds sway beautifully along with the flowing water.

土地被丛丛黄草和灰色的碎石染成了褐色。The ground was brown with clumps of yellowing grass and grey gravel.

打开窗,是润湿的地板,还有一丛丛绿茵茵的小草。Open the window, the wet floor, as well as the grass clumps Lvyin Yin.

白色的小野菊,一丛丛由草堆里钻出来。Clusters of white chrysanthemums are vying to break through the rank weeds.

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生长在湖畔边一丛丛的小草,嫩嫩的,有着明亮的墨绿色。Growth at the edge of the lake in the patches of grass, tender and has a bright green.

也有矮个子的,在大树叶下,一丛丛地伸展着小细叶。There are shorter people, and in large leaves, the stretching of the small patches of spire.

形似五角星的蕃茄花一丛丛地开放,仿佛在向我眨眼。Five-pointed star shape of the tomato flower clumps to open up, as if in the blink of an eye to me.

朱莉说,马利筋是一种生命力极强的植物,生出一丛丛灰绿色标枪似的茎,到了秋季可以长得一人多高。Milkweed is a tough old plant, sending gray-green javelins up in thick stands that can tower head-high by fall.

拐过一座山头,猛然发现,一丛丛火红火红的枫,如一些火焰,在山腰静静地燃烧。Walked around over a mountain to discover in suprise that, clusters of fire red maples, like fires, burned quietly.

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林中矿地附近长着一丛丛野蔷薇,第一朵花开放了粉红粉红的,芳香扑鼻。Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald , the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance.

而且,及时收视率提高了,并没有解决科教影视以后的发展问题,依然困难丛丛,问题很多。Moreover, ratings was improved, but that did not resolve all the problems of the development of science film and science television.

在这个隐蔽的地方,树木主要是些庞大的捕树和榆树,丛丛簇簇,像树叶搭成了山峦。The trees in this secluded spot were chiefly beeches and elms of huge magnitude, which rose like great hills of leaves into the air.

在尝试缩小语言文化带来的差异的同时,我在她们的面孔上看到亲密,在环绕着我们的丛丛树木之中感受熟悉。As we struggled to narrow the chasms created by language and culture, I found familiarity in their faces and the trees enveloping us.

为了真正达到欣赏花园的目的,你必须在每个角落都种上花,丛丛花儿开放,把花园装扮得非常漂亮,每个角落都有四季。To really enjoy a garden, you have to plant corners and drifts and rows of flowers that will bloom and grace the garden, each in its own season.

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茫茫群峰是座座冰山,棵棵树木象丛丛珊瑚,令你疑惑,莫非是“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开?”The vast peaks is iceberg, KeKe trees like the foliage coral, make you doubt, murphy is "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, pear blossoms?"

面对这造化的奇景,只瞧得目瞪口呆,惊叹不已,一斜眼,只见湖畔生着一丛丛茶花,在月色下摇曳生姿。By this natural wonder he was totally amazed, goggle-eyed, and at a side glance spotted clusters of camellia, which danced in the moonlight charmingly.

在一些高大的榆树下面,我们可以看到,一丛丛黄色的蒲公英冒出草坪,仿佛是一位画家为了给眼前的美景增色而着意加上的点点金色。Under the huge elm trees, we could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches, as if a painter had touched our landscape with dabs of gold.