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那么甜蜜,纯洁而秀雅。So sweet and pure and fair.

那么甜蜜、纯洁而秀雅。So sweet and pure and just.

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秀雅也马上出发,去了道宇家里。Fair also set off right now, go to the way home.

道宇妈妈要秀雅去帮忙买碗红豆粥。Mom said yu to be fair to help buy a bowl of red bean porridge.

卧室布置得很秀雅,品味超然。His bedroom is in elegant arrangement with an extraordinary taste.

与此同时秀雅的女儿在学校被排挤,不愿意上学。At the same time fair daughter in the schools out, dont want to go to school.

闵硕把道宇叫走了,走前道宇还帮秀雅整理了鞋子。MinShuo called tao yu left, way before Michael also helped fair finish shoes.

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道宇点了红酒,秀雅给他倒酒的时候,他的手指和秀雅的碰在一起。Tao yu ordered wine, fair to give him pour, his fingers and fair touch together.

当时住家上方天空呈现秀雅祥云,飘下蒙蒙细雨并出现彩虹。A fine drizzle fell from a thin cloud and rainbows appeared over the family home.

秀雅则将艾妮母亲拒绝要的那些遗物一起带走了,准备交给徐道宇。Fair will Enid mother refuse to those relics away together, preparing to Xu Daoyu.

崔秀雅非常担心女儿于是自作主张将孝恩接回了韩国。Cui Xiuya daughter very worried so self-assertion, to filial piety back South Korea.

秀雅和玛丽见面,玛丽说起在医院见到她和道雨在一起。Fair and meet Mary, Mary talked about seeing her in the hospital and the rain together.

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工作行程出来了,秀雅要飞八天七夜,婆婆很是不满。Working stroke out, fair will fly eight days and seven nights, mother-in-law are unhappy.

秀雅整理行李时,发现了恩雨的照片,发给了道宇,正好道宇需要。Fair sorting baggage, found the pictures of the rain, and had been sent to yu tao tao yu need.

道宇问秀雅什么时候飞回去,约定一起回去,但是两人没有搭上同一班次。Yu tao asked when fly back, fair agreement back together, but two people not on the same flight.

你像一片轻柔的云在我眼前飘来飘去,你清丽秀雅的脸上荡漾着春天般美丽的笑容。You like a soft cloud piaoqu floated in front of me, you Qingli Su-face waves spring beautiful smile.

秀雅烦闷,来到了道宇工作室,秀雅对道宇说出了自己的烦恼,道宇说很高兴她的到来。Fair annoyed, came to the way yu studio, fair for tao yu out troubles, yu tao said nice to her coming.

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道雨问起秀雅是因为相爱而结婚吗,秀雅说了和老公的往事。Tao asked about fair because the rain fall in love and get married, fair said that the husband and the past.

道雨知道秀雅要飞八天七夜,想开车去见秀雅,但是秀雅说她过去。The rain know fair will fly eight days and seven nights, want to drive to see fair, but fair said she used to.

道宇下飞机给秀雅打电话,秀雅告诉他这个感情是错误的,还有曾经在机场见过艾妮。Tao yu off the plane to call fair, fair it is wrong to tell him the feelings, and had seen Enid at the airport.