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缐我就像你生命中划过的流星,转瞬即逝。I like your life across the meteor, fleeting.

人类生机勃勃的家园,转瞬之间惨不忍睹。Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling.

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转瞬之间小皮奎特也“逃”了出去。Cuticula Kui especially also ran away in an instant.

归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。In the final analysis, most of life's joys are transitory.

技巧和战术的运用将只在转瞬之间。Tactics matter and the combats will take your breath away.

转瞬之间破镜子又恢复了原状。The broken mirror was reinstated in the twinkling of an eye.

又一次日初,又一次日落,转瞬一切都是昨天。Another sunset, another sunrise , soon it'll all be yesterday.

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光阴似箭,转瞬之间,这个学期就要结束了。How time flies, this school term will have been over in a flash.

甚至当我想在思维里经历一段空白的时候,它都转瞬即逝。Even when I did experience a gap in my thoughts, it was fleeting.

她突然笑了一下,一个转瞬即近逝美丽的微笑。Mother loves me best.’She suddenly smiled, a quick, beautiful smile.

当美好的青春时光,转瞬流逝。还会有谁为你,或执迷,或痴狂。When the beautiful youth and passes. Who will you, or need, or crazy.

房子的这一刻,那种废墟感,是远离世俗的,仿佛遗世孤立,这一刻转瞬即逝。It is a fleeting moment and the architecture become worldly instantly.

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咱们不能防备我们所不克不及预知的。世事变化多端。转瞬之间,面貌全非。We cannot prevent what cannot predict. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

人生一场虚空大梦,韶华白首,不过转瞬。An empty dream in life, Shaohua white in the first, but the twinkling of an eye.

生命的游戏转瞬即终结,生命的玩具被逐件遗弃并忘却。Life’s play is swift.Life’s playthings fall behind one by one and are forgotten.

她的美艳是短暂的,但又不像昙花那样转瞬而逝,让你来不及看清她。Her beauty is fleeting, but unlike Epiphyllum that flash dies, you could see her.

生命的游戏转瞬即终结,生命的玩具被逐件遗弃并忘却。Life’s play is swift. Life’s playthings fall behind one by one and are forgotten.

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最大的问题在于地球是否会在转瞬之间消失。The big question is whether the planet will disappear in the twinkling of an eye.

无数次我看到那成功的外衣转瞬即逝。As I've seen many times over, the outer symbols of success can all be easily lost.

与任何一场高手过招一样,事情确乎是发生在转瞬之间。Come to grips with any superior similar, affair indeed is an occurrence in a wink.