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如酚醛树脂、环氧树脂等。Phenol-formaldehyde resin is an example.

NBR和XNBR都可作为生胶与酚醛树脂共混。NBR or XNBR as raw rubber and phenolic resin was blended.

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初级形状的氨基树脂、酚醛树脂及聚氨酯类。Amino-resins, phenolic resins and polyurethanes, in primary forms.

本文介绍了高邻位热塑性酚醛树脂的合成试验。The synthesis of "high ortho "novolak resin has been presented in this paper.

该公司从事开发,制造和供应自有品牌的酚醛树脂产品。The company develops, manufactures and supplies all of its own phenolic resins.

简要介绍了耐火材料用酚醛树脂的发展状况。The development of phenolic resin used for refractories was briefly summarized.

松香改性壬基酚醛树脂用于油墨连结料。Rosin modified nonylphenol resin is used as the linking mater ial in printing-inks.

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合成的改性松香酚醛树脂具有良好的自凝性。The synthesized rosin modified phenolic resin had good performance of self-gelling.

采用热塑性酚醛树脂经熔融纺丝和酸催化固化获得酚醛纤维。Phenolic fibers were prepared by melt-spinning a novolac resin and then crosslinking.

综述了近十余年来国内酚醛树脂耐磨性的研究进展。The advance in the research of abrading resistance about phenolic resin was reviewed.

介绍了酚醛模塑料、酚醛树脂复合材料及固化机理研究方面的技术进展。Advance of phenolic moulding compound, composite and its curing mechanism was introduced.

介绍了铸造用碱性酚醛树脂的合成原理及优点。The synthesis principle and advantages of alkaline phenolic resin for foundry were introduced.

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介绍了热塑性树脂增韧酚醛树脂的相容性和相行为。The phase behavior and compatibility of thermoplastics modified phenolic resins are introduced.

介绍桐油改性线型酚醛树脂的制造方法及应用研究。This article recommends manufacture and application of the novolacs resin modified by tung oil.

酚醛树脂,制备方法,用于矿物纤维的施胶组合物与得到的产品。Phenolic resin, preparation method, sizing composition for mineral fibres and resulting products.

研究了壬基酚松香改性酚醛树脂的工艺条件。The optimum technological conditions of nonyl phenolic resin modified by rosin have been studied.

通常用合成树脂中的环氧树脂和酚醛树脂作为基体材料。Among the synthetic resins normally used as matrix materials are epoxy resins and phenolic resins.

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研究了热塑性酚醛树脂和原砂对覆膜砂性能的影响。The effect of thermoplastic phenolic resin and sand on performance of resin coated sand was researched.

其中亚甲基的热解对酚醛树脂的热稳定性及高温下的成炭性能有着至关重要的作用。The thermal stability and char yield of PFR were depended on the degradation process of methylene bridges.

报道了高邻位酚醛树脂酸的合成和表征。We describe here the synthesis and characterization of high ortho-positionphenol-formaldehyde resin ether.