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这是一个新的辩证观。There is a new dialectic.

我们应该辩证的看待这个问题。We should look at the problem of dialectical.

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柏拉图希望我们这样解读辩证吗?Did Plato want us to read the dialogue this way?

它们之间是辩证统一的关系。Among them is a relationship of dialectical unity.

爱美之心人皆有之,只不过如何辩证的去看待而已罢了!The love of beauty, but how to dialectic to see it!

圣爱和互爱之间存在着辩证关系。The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.

宗先生的这一观点是辩证的、独特的,富有独创性。The view of Mr. Zong is dialectical, unique and creative.

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但柏拉图到底想要这场辩证,如何被理解呢?But how did Plato intend this dialogue to be understood?

因为它具有两面性,我们应该辩证地看待它。Because it has two sides, we should dialectically treat it.

巴拉克·奥巴马似乎也被这一辩证的轨迹给抓住了。Barack Obama, too, seems to be caught in this dialectical rut.

人处世的准则是方,做人的准则是圆,方与圆是辩证的统一体。The rule of doing things of human being is square , the rule o.

改革体现了人与社会的辩证统一。Reform reflects the dialectical unity between human and society.

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象似性与任意性是辩证统一的。Therefore arbitrariness and iconicity are dialectically unified.

对弗洛伊德潜意识理论必须加以辩证的看待。We should look on Freud's subconsciousness theory dialectically.

语言和文化之间存在着一种辩证关系。There is a dialectical relationship between language and culture.

浏阳个案生动地说明了这一辩证关系。This dialectical relationship is lively shown in the Liuyang case.

数学是逻辑程序与归纳程序的辩证统一。Mathematics is a dialectical unity of logic and inductive procedures.

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分工与集成属于二律背反,它们之间存在着辩证关系。There is a dialectical relationship between integration and division.

我们应该在辩证统一中坚持党的最高纲领。We must uphold the maximum programme of the Party in dialectical unity.

但另一个当地居民,里克吉福德用辩证的眼光看待奥伊斯特河核电站。But another local, Rick Gifford, looked philosophically at Oyster Creek.