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雄性红鱼负责建造巢穴。It's the male garibaldi who makes the nest.

一条红鱼啄了一下他白色的身子,他不禁哈哈一笑。A bonita struck at his white body, and he laughed aloud.

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单身双鱼座今年会找到他们的红鱼或者爱鱼。Single fish will find their red fish or bae fish this year.

有一天这群小红鱼都被可怕的大鲔鱼一口吃掉了,只有小黑鱼逃过一劫。"We can't , "said the little red fish, "The big fish will eat us all.

同时对松花江水系翘嘴红鱼白的生长和资源利用问题进行了探讨。The growth pattern and resources utilization of the fish were also discussed.

这两个基地示范养殖的品种主要为南美白对虾、红鱼、海鲈和尖吻鲈等。These two bases are mainly for white prawns, red fish, jewfish and Nile perch.

在这些死鱼中,有pogie鱼,红鱼,虾,蟹和淡水鳗鱼。Among the fish dead were pogie fish, redfish, shrimp, crabs and freshwater eels

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它也是一款非常优秀的轻型海水竿,适合钓红鱼等。But it also makes a very nice light saltwater rod for snook, redfish and specs.

红鱼、双髻鲨和其他海洋生物会滑入你的视线或游过你的上方。Stingrays , hammerhead sharks and other sea creatures glide into view or over you.

星洲红鱼在淡水中养殖生长表现优于其他罗非鱼品种。The growth performance of red tilapia cultured in freshwater was superior to other tilapia species.

科学家说,牠的命运是一个警世故事,与先前被大量滥捕的纽西兰红鱼类似。Scientists say its fate represents a cautionary tale much like that of its heavily harvested forerunner, orange roughy.

在公海和外海上所渔获的15万吨鱼主要是红鱼、鲐鱼、鳕鱼、红鲽和黑星鲽。In the high seas and oceans 150 thousand tonnes of fish were caught, mainly redfish, mackerel, cod, red plaice , and black halibut.

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小树叶钻进珊瑚礁洞里,洞里很宽阔,小红鱼说,你在这儿稍微休息一瞬间,我出去找点食物。Small leaves reef drilling the hole, the hole is very broad, red fish that the moment you take a break here, and I went out to find some food.

欧盟渔业处长乔.伯格表示,欧盟各部会长已同意在二○一○年以前逐步淘汰纽西兰红鱼与深海鲨鱼的捞捕。这两者都面临过度捞捕的威胁。EU Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg said EU ministers agreed to phase out catches of orange roughy and deep-water sharks by 2010. Both are also threatened by overfishing.

对翘嘴红鱼白亲鱼的池塘驯化培育和人工繁殖技术以及夏花鱼种的培育技术进行了研究。This paper studied the techniques of pond domestication and artificial propagation of brood fish of Erythroculter ilishaeformis and the cultivating of its summer fingerlings.