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濑鱼在锚珊瑚里。Wrasse in anchor coral.

人们称它为树珊瑚。So people call them tree corals.

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珊瑚的扣子和琥珀纽的晶彩。Thy coral clasps and amber studs.

配上珊瑚钩扣,把琥珀镶嵌With coral clasps and amber studs

珊瑚作勾,琥珀作扣。With coral clasps and amber studs.

真珊瑚无需刷油漆。True coral needs no painter's brush.

大型分叉的珊瑚,形似鹿角。Large branching coral resembling antlers.

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佛罗里达州珊瑚顶市Biltmore酒店The Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables, Florida

酸性海域会阻碍珊瑚的生长繁殖。Those sour seas slow the growth of corals.

在黛西潜水点拍到的热带鱼和珊瑚。Tropical fish and coral, Daisy's Drop-off.

礁附近柔软的珊瑚和热带鱼。Soft corals and tropical fish at H.P. Reef.

珊瑚是成立的旋转部分。The coral is made up of swiveling sections.

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促进珊瑚的生长与在海洋里一样。Food for sponges, tridacnas and sea squirts.

那红似珊瑚的唇吻,雪白而含涡的下颏。Her coral lips, her snow-white dimpled chin.

箱子时装着一引作为纪念品的珊瑚石。The box contained some souvenir coral rocks.

珊瑚心,硬礁,昆士兰,澳大利亚Coral Heart, Hardy Reef, Queensland, Australia

一位潜水者探险铁丝珊瑚在日本的Suruga湾。A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay.

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但像图中这种蘑菇珊瑚是单独生活。But mushroom corals, such as this one, are loners.

珊瑚其实是珊瑚虫的外骨骼。Coral is actually the exoskeletons of coral polyps.

活珊瑚的颜色多为黄色,棕色,或橄榄色。Most living corals are yellowish,brownish,or olive.