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例如,此方法可以轻易地支持虚数。For example, this method could easily support imaginary numbers.

当代物理学的发展是与虚数进入物理世界联系在一起的。The imaginary number comes in physical world along with physical evolution.

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虚数字面值是复数型常量的虚数部分的十进制表示。An imaginary literal is a decimal representation of the imaginary part of a complex constant.

量子理论的数学公式需要运用虚数。The mathematical formulation of the quantum theory has required the use of imaginary numbers.

而在人类心灵的数字世界中,它的功能是表义,许多数字经过“神化”后成为“玄数”、“虚数”、“天数”。However, in the world of figure which exists in human's spirit, its function is to convey some meaning.

四元数一实数和一向量的和的运算式,有四个项,一个为实数项,另外三个为虚数项。An expression that is the sum of a real number and a vector and that contains four terms, one real and three imaginary.

磁头磁阻的计算中,分别就磁芯材料的磁导率为实数和虚数的情况进行了讨论。The calculation of head reluctance deals with two conditions in which the core material permeability is real or complex.

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顺便也从理论上讨论了估计系偶差出现虚数的问题。A problem that the imaginary numbers is taken place in estimation of regular errors is theoretically discussed in passing.

你知道的,一个虚数,但是返回虚数就没有什么价值了,那么这是我想要强调的第二件事情。So that's the second thing I've just highlighted here, is that I now have the ability to check whether it does the right thing.

波函数相对误差随时间的演变表现出一定的规律性,其实数部分和虚数部分的相对误差周期性地在正负之间来回变化。The relative errors of real number part and imaginary number part of wave function change periodically between positive and negative numbers.

当代物理学的发展是与虚数进入物理世界联系在一起的。复数成了物理学非常基本的概念元素。The imaginary number comes in physical world along with physical evolution. The complex number composes most based concept element on physics.

考察具有一对共轭纯虚数特征值的二维非线性临界解析动态系统的局部渐近稳定性。The locally asymptotic stability of a 2-dimension nonlinear analytic dynamic system with a pair of conjugated imaginary eigenvalues is studied.

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如果这当中有一个负数,乘积就会变成负的,如果你对一个负数开根号,你就会得到一个虚数If you had one negative number in it, then the product would be a negative number and, if you took a root of that, then you might get an imaginary number.

采用虚数场描述万有引力场,其场能密度是负实数,满足能量守恒定律。The universal gravitation field is described by imaginary number in the paper. It's energy density is negative real number. And it accord with conservation of energy.

当夏洛特·霍布斯决定教她11岁的学生用来计算负数平方根的虚数时,她知道这是一个艰巨的任务。WHEN Charlotte Hobbs decided to teach her 11-year-old pupil about the "imaginary" maths needed to work out the square root of a negative number, she knew it would be a stretch.

如果里面有一个负数的话,乘积将为辅助,如果你再求根的话,可能会产生虚数,那种情况下我们并不采用几何平均值。If you had one negative number in it, then the product would be a negative number and, if you took a root of that, then you might get an imaginary number. We don't want to use it in that case.