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报童又给了我一份特刊。The newsboy gave me an extra special edition.

MOR正在应征会员将您拍摄的照片作为MOR未来特刊的封面照。MOR is calling on members to send photos for the cover of future MOR issues.

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这是该杂志第一次完全用读者的照片来做成的一期特刊。It's the magazine's first special edition made up entirely of reader-submitted photos.

特刊与邀请函直邮,定期通报展览会的进展。Special invitation letters and direct mail, exhibitions regularly informed of progress.

本期特刊为您特别奉献求职面试、初涉职场、获得晋升的种种技巧。Here are some tips when you have a job interview, start a new job or receive a promotion.

此博客节选自国家地理新闻系列特刊的全球水话题。This blog post is part of a special National Geographic News series on global water issues.

这期特刊也包含对数本关于未来某个方面预测的书籍的短评。This special issue also contains capsule reviews of books about one aspect or another of the world ahead.

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本期特刊,就让我们一起回顾这些草根红人们在过去的一年带给我们的惊、囧、雷、奇、笑吧。In this special edition, let's review how these online celebrities shocked, amazed, and amused us in 2010.

论坛内容将以网络专题或特刊形式发布。All information about the forums will also be publicized through on-line special coverage or special editions.

讲堂内容将以网络专题或特刊形式发布。All information about the lectures will also be released through on-line special coverage or special editions.

如果这真是一本特刊,那总要有一个封面人物吧?嗯,有一个家伙毫无疑问地会登上封面的。If it is really a special issue, there will be a cover person, right? One guy will hold that position without doubt.

长达70页,饱含敬意的特刊,通过照片和访谈回顾了丘吉尔政治生活和个人成就。The 70-page tribute includes photos, recollections, and a look at Churchill's political life and personal achievements.

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这只馅饼实在是太巴黎了,我知道它一定将是这期巴黎特刊的最佳候选----并且,当然啦,人们永远都爱吃巧克力。The tart was so Parisian, I knew it would be a great candidate for our Paris issue—and, of course, people always love chocolate.

有关气候变化特刊“绝对独立”的链接。基于西雅图的环境新闻和评论网站。Links related to a climate change special edition of the "fiercely independent" Seattle-based environmental news and commentary site.

同时他们同时都生活在一个拥有不同超级战队的,多样的,每年都有大事件的,像宇宙一样宽广的世界中,当然还有假期特刊。Meanwhile, they all occupy a universe that has several different teams, multiple, year-long, universe-wide events, and the occasional holiday special.

此刊例适用于刊登工商类广告的客户,如遇特刊、别册等情况,广告价格以报社发布的价格通告为准。This quotation is suitable for business advertisements only. In case of Special Issue or Supplement, the quotation released by the media will prevail.

徐先生看到同学们认真地参观展览很高兴,并热心地向同学们和教师赠送了此次展览的特刊。Mr. Xu was glad to see students observing the exhibits with great attention, and he presented special booklets of the exhibition to lecturers and students.

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老妇人给后世的这份唯一遗赠,于是出现在了北爱尔兰精神健康协会新闻杂志的圣诞特刊中。The old lady's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the North Ireland Association for Mental Health.

为了添增毕业生对学校的归属感及联络感情,因而决定出版2010年度毕业特刊。To promote friendship among students who are to graduate this year, we have decided to publish the 2010 graduation magazine at the end of this academic year.

在这一期的双周特刊中,我们超越了关于展望中国、印度和美国将成为支配这个世纪的三大势力的争论。With this special double issue, we've reached beyond the fray to envision China, India and the U. S. evolving into a global triumvirate that will dominate the century.