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你自己查查去!Go to see for yourself!

杰克,请你查查行事历好吗?Jack, could you check your calendar?

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上网搜搜,或者查查电话黄页。Go to the internet or the Yellow Pages.

夜,去查查刚才是谁将它送进来的。Night, checks just is who send it incoming.

我要查查那几天有没有空房间。I'll check our room availability foe those days.

我查查,她周两下战书有30分?。Let me see. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afternoon.

请等一下,我给查查。Wait for a moment, please. I’ll check it for you.

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到周六,我们差不都都住满了,但是我会查查。We're practically full until Sunday, but I'll see.

让我查查,她周两下战书有30分钟。Let me see. She has 30 minutes on Tuesday afternoon.

我给您查查无人领取行李记录。Let me first check unclaimed baggage records for you.

查查看!梅的爸爸给她买了一部百科全书。Look it up! May's father bought her an encyclopaedia.

我得向公司的审计部查查看。I would have to check with our Controllr's Department.

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查查你在行业组织或工会的会员权利。Check out your membership rights with trade groups or unions.

可以请你查查看那班飞机什么时候到吗?。Will you please try to find out what time the airplane arrives?

我是上周五买的,你能不能帮我查查销售记录?I bought it last Friday. Can you look up the details of the sale?

如果你想了解更多有关它的知识,你可以去维基百科里查查它的资料。If you'd like to know more, you can check it out here in Wikipedia.

个以上,我得查查你的家谱了Go five, six, seven, eight, I will have to look into the family tree.

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让我再查查,是的,这儿有一个登记的名字是汤米,布什,一定是登记的职员在记录您的名字时出了错。Let me check it again. Oh, yes, there is a name listed as Tommy Bush.

去查查贪污的定义,并且分析拉克斯曼的生活和时代!Go check definition of corrupt and analyse life and times of B Laxman!

能不能请你帮我查查火车什么时候到?Will you please try to find out for me what time the train arrives?