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他永久不会健忘那张脸。He never forgets a face.

我将永遥不会健忘你。I will never forget you.

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她是个健忘的女孩。She is a forgetful girl.

还是健忘是悲惨的?Or amnesia is disastrous?

原因在于健忘的人类。The cause is oblivious man.

高脂肪的食物使我健忘。Fatty foods give me amnesia.

我奶奶非常健忘。My grandma is very forgetful.

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健忘已往,驾驭如今,才无将来。Forget the past and look to now.

噢,郑煤机吧,天主!我彻底给健忘了!Oh, my God! I completely forgot!

日常活动健忘。Is forgetful in daily activities.

回来吧,健忘的诗神,立刻轻弹。Return forgetful Muse, and straight redeem.

我永恒不会健忘阿谁湖的斑斓。I shall never forget the beauty of that lake.

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你才十岁怎么就这么健忘?How could you be so forgetful at the age of ten?

但不要健忘你否极泰来的时辰。but don't forget the times your luck has turned.

没有比健忘的撒谎者更可怜的事了。There is nothing so pathetic as a forgetful liar.

梦多又健忘,粥里加蛋黄。Dream, which also forgetful, porridge Riga egg yolk.

健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。Forgetfulness is a morbid, forgetfulness is a realm.

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也许你真的已健忘,体味我们的思疑?Maybe you really forgave us knowin' we was confused?

健忘是一种病态,善忘是一种境界。Forgetfulness is a disease, forgetfulness is a realm.

或许我们都应该感激我们的健忘。Perhaps we should be thankful for our absent-mindedness.