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我感到盲肠附近疼痛。I feel pain around the caecum.

由盲肠,结肠和直肠组成。Composed of caecum, colon and rectum.

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我是你的盲肠,你是我的心脏。I am your appendix, you are my heart.

此图所示的为盲肠扭转。This is an example of cecal volvulus.

食肉类动物的盲肠很小。Carnivorous animals have a very small caecum.

有些活着的动物既有盲肠又有阑尾。And some living animals have a cecum and an appendix.

但是源自于盲肠之黏液性囊腺瘤仍然从未被报告过。However, thus far, there are no reports on lesions of the cecum.

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打开盲肠即发现套叠的阑尾。Upon opening the cecum, the invaginated appendix was recognized.

涉及的部位是直肠、乙状结肠、盲肠和升结肠。The involved parts are rectum, sigmoid, cecum and ascending colon.

②清增康“能显著降低仔猪盲肠、结肠和直肠内大肠杆菌的数量。E. coli contents in caecum, colon and rectum were decreased in piglets.

盲肠扭转,肠扭转是肠的扭曲缠绕。This is an example of cecal volvulus. Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel.

在盲肠的嗜银细胞主要分布在结缔组织内。The argyrophil cells in the cecum mainly distribute in the connective tissue.

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盲肠上皮为合胞体结构,肠腔内容物为鸡血细胞及残骸。The contents of the gut are mainly the blood cells and its fragments of chicken.

回肠从空肠延至盲肠之间的小肠的最后。The terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum.

目的探讨盲肠憩室炎的临床诊断与治疗。Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment of cecal diverticulitis.

目的对鸡盲肠菌群的厌氧连续培养方法及培养物的生理生化的特性进行初步研究。A research on continuous flow culture derived from chicken cecal contents was conducted.

试验前期,益生素能提高法氏囊、胸腺指数,增大盲肠扁桃体面积。At starter phase, probiotics can improve spleen index, bursa F index and cecal tonsils area.

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目的对所诊治的184例移动盲肠症进行临床分析,以提高该病的治愈率。Objective 184 patients with mobile cecum were treated and analyzed to improve the cure rate.

同时还可以显示空回肠、盲肠、阑尾、升结肠位置异常。At the same time, the abnormal location of cecum, appendix and ascending colon can also be seen.

下腹部CT扫描显示盲肠后隐窝处肠管塌陷呈鸟嘴征。B CT scan of the lower abdomen shows beaking and collapsed bowel loops at the retrocecal recess.