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她一直躲藏在班的庇护下。She has been in hiding.

这就是庇护人的典型行为。This is what patrons do, you see.

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他能够向上帝那里得到什么样的庇护呢?What refuge can he go ask of God?

医学乞求玄学的庇护。Physic of Metaphysic begs defence.

并到上帝那里寻求庇护,祂把他He fled for shelter to God, who mated

我寻求庇护于后者,佛陀I take refuge in the latter, the Buddha

祝你在暴风雨中总能找到庇护处。May you always find shelter from the storm.

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我不会再庇护任何不健康的思想。I will not harbor unhealthy thoughts anymore.

在庇护中得以安定的意义是什麽?What is the meaning of "settled on their lees"?

一万德国人逃到英国寻求庇护。Ten thousand Germans fled for refuge to Britain.

寻求庇护者也受到了冷遇。Those who seek asylum also receive short shrift.

刘春泉律师致力于庇护您的常识产权和投资!We help you to protect IP and investment in China.

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他一直在尼加拉瓜寻求并已得到庇护。He has sought and been granted asylum in Nicaragua.

这个教堂在冬天的夜晚给人们提供庇护。The church gave shelter to people on winter nights.

此外,在澳寻求庇护者的人数已达6900人。Asylum seeker numbers in Australia have reached 6900.

他成了所有人民的庇护者。He became more and more the patron of all the people.

数以万计的人们需要他的庇护。Millions of people need its sanctuary and protection.

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让我不要祈祷在险恶中得到庇护。Let me do not pray to get the asylum in the inclemency.

每天都有数千人丧失了保险的庇护。Thousands are losing their insurance coverage each day.

夜里的火熄灭了,没有庇护之所。And the night-fires going out, and the lack of shelters.