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结社自由是政党专制或大人物专权的克星。Freedom of association is regarded as a threat by dictators.

军事专权往往会使掌权的人道德败坏。Absolute military power tends to deprave those who are in control.

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邓氏被消灭后,宦官李闰、江京专权。Tang been eliminated, the eunuch Li leap, Jiang Jing-authoritarian.

军事专权往往会使掌权的人道德败坏。Absolute military power tends to deprave those who are not in control.

军事专权往往会使掌权的人道德败坏。Absolute military power tends to deprave these which are not in control.

其专权乱政危害程度是古代历史上少有的。The harmfulness of eunuch to political chaos is rare in ancient history.

长久以来,文化一直都是少数精英的专利,也是他们的专权基础。Literacy had long remained a privilege and a source of power wielded by the elitist few.

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还是这种现象只在专权当道、国会无用的社会中存在?Or does the phenomenon exist only in an authoritarian society with no functioning parliament?

在一定程度上,它是与唐代的政局变动、宦官专权、藩镇割据等重大问题结合在一起的。In some degree, it relates the change of political situation, eunuch's politics and local separate regime politics.

桓帝时,宦官专权,听说他善于鼓琴,于是奏请天子令陈留太守督促他入京。Emperor Huan, the eunuch, I heard he good at Guqin, then petitioned the emperor that Liu-prefect to urge him in Beijing.

对窦太后的专权他十分气愤,决心为国除掉这一祸根。The exclusive right of the Empress Dowager Dou he was very angry, and determined to get rid of this curse for the country.

本地的批评家指责独断专权的石油部以过低的价格出口过多的石油。Local critics have accused the all-powerful petroleum ministry of committing too much for export at prices that are too low.

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但是政府的高额报效与总办盛宣怀的专权敛财,本质上阻碍了电报局的发展。But the development of the company was hindered by the Government's high service and Sheng Xuanhuai's graft and dictatorship.

今天是反对穆巴拉克30年专权统治的抗议活动的第11天,预计参加示威活动的人数将创下新的记录。Record-breaking numbers of participants are expected on this 11th day of protests against Mubarak's 30 years of authoritarian rule.

在另一方面,戈巴契夫承认,他的既迂腐又专权的官僚政府是现代化最大的阻碍。Mr.Gorbachev, on the other hand, recognized that his sluggish and authoritarian bureaucracy was the worst impediment to modernization.

专权政治是由一人、一党做主,民主政治则是由全民做主。Autocracy allows one person or one political party to decide everything, whereas democracy requires that all people make decisions together.

盐铁会议从本质上讲,是专权的霍光通过开会的形式利用儒生对桑弘羊施以打击的政治运动。In this movement, autocratic Huo Guang, having the aid of Confucian scholars and by means of holding a meeting, launched an attack fiercely.

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但是,有些在2002年拥护“市长控制”的人现在开始抱怨彭博是一个专权者,认为他在公众反应还极为有限时就轻率地强制推行其计划。But some who favoured mayoral control in 2002 now complain that Mr Bloomberg is a dictator, hastily imposing plans after little public input.

加速生祠普遍化的社会因素主要包括各地的赋役改革、地方动乱、宦官专权等。The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corvée, local rebellion, the monopoly of eunuch, etc.

今年这份条约给了一个中国社团专权,可以勘探印度洋西南部上万平方公里的国际海底。The contract awarded this year to a Chineseassociation exclusive rights to explore a 10,000-square-km of internationalseabed in the southwest Indian Ocean.