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让我们把蒲团卷起来吧。Let's fold up the futon.

我只够有钱去买一个蒲团。I had just enough to buy a futon.

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蒲团,俳句,禅宗是日语。Futon, haiku , Zen, they're Japanese.

偶尔的来访者坐在蒲团上,我却从没有躺上去。Occasional visitors sit on the futon, but I've never lain on it.

而这是有疑问的,如果注意到张先生留着像蒲团一样的棉花糖发型的话。That's debatable, considering Zhang wore his hair in a cotton candy pouf.

并且如果你等到那时,在你买一个蒲团之前,一切可能都结束了。And if you wait till then, by the time you get the futon, it might be all over.

有些地方房子到处乱七八糟,然而还有房子旁边晾晒著蒲团和乾净衣服。Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun.

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那一年后,我买了一个蒲团,深蓝色,简朴的花朵和潮水图案。Later that year, I bought the futon, dark blue with an austere pattern of flowers and rushes.

躺在澳式摇床上,在星空下小憩。或者在一个时髦的带有罩盖的日式蒲团上滚来滚去。Sleep under the stars in an Aussie-style swag bed or sleeping roll given a chic upgrade with a canopied futon-style platform base.

蒲团一种由分束棉絮或类似材料制成的垫子构成的寝具,当作床垫或盖被铺在地板或凸起的框架上。An article of bedding consisting of a pad of tufted cotton batting or similar material used on a floor or on a raised frame as a mattress or comforter.

当她从浴室里出来,开始穿衣服,我问她她是否认为我应该买一个蒲团,那样我就能在我的房间里与一个人过性生活。When she came out of the bathroom and began dressing herself, I asked her if she thought I should buy a futon so that I could have sex in my apartment.

在祭台对面的左侧放置着按照教阶来安排的桌子和蒲团,最高级别教士的桌子和蒲团离祭台最近。Along the left side, facing the altar, are the low seats or divans and tables of the clergy, arranged in the order of their hierarchical standing—the highest being closest to the altar.

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明知你不会看见的,却依然执着,像虔诚跪倒在佛前的门徒,用心轻贴在蒲团前,用额前的执迷轻叩地面。Knowing that you will not see, but still persistent, like the pious kneel in front of the Buddha's disciples, with light stick on the futon before the forehead with obsession on the ground.