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所以我也去看了So I did.

瞧,我现在在思考,所以我存在Here I am.

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所以尝试一下。So try it.

所以他辞职了。So he quit.

所以何必撒谎呢?So why lie?

所以她叫来我的父亲。my. FATHER.

所以,振奋起来!So cheer up!

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所以这是不公平的。So not fair.

所以,呼吸。So, breathe.

所以我曾经很恨它。So I hated it.

所以它崩溃了。So it crashed.

所以从现在开始。So from onw on.

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所以,加点香料吧。So spice it up!

所以我只好改做方便面。So I make ramen.

所以,做你的工作。So do your work.

这些话我都听腻了,所以,别来烦我了。So don't bother.

所以,去聆听音乐吧。So go for music!

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所以海狸搬家了。So he moved out.

所以让我们来修改一下。So let's fix it.

所以不要后悔。So never regret.