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去找张纸,画六个一寸见方的小格子,然后试着画出六个词来。Get a sheet of paper and draw six one-inch squares.

峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。At its summit is a rock only about six meters across.

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她甚至可以将自己塞进一个仅50厘米见方的盒子里。She can even squeeze herself into boxes just 50 sq cm.

将羊肋条肉洗净,切成4厘米见方的块。Rib meat sheep will be washed, cut into 4 cm square block.

她甚至可以让自己挤进仅仅50厘米见方的盒子里。She can even squeeze herself into boxes just 50cms squared.

郭割掳已死,二狗自然要来见见方捷。Guo cut off abducted, two dogs naturally come to meet Fang jie.

酋长的房里有一个接见室,四十英尺见方。The chief's house contained an audience room forty feet square.

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一块139千米见方的区域,就能够满足现在欧盟的能源消耗。An area of just 139km by 139km could match current EU power consumption.

将五花肉洗净,切成3厘米见方的块,用开水汆一下备用。Wash the pork, cut into 3 cm square block, with some back-up water Cuan.

风云1C主体有5英尺见方,其太阳能帆板翼展为27英尺。The FY-1C had a 5-ft. -square main body with solar arrays spanning 27 ft.

还发现一张小小的照片,一英寸见方,是父亲在二战中照的,那时候他是个清痩的少年,穿着变色军裤,戴着头盔,拿着一把机枪摆着姿势。She found a tiny photo, only an inch square, of her father during World War II.

鞍山哪有卖整块的木料的?1米见方以上的。Which has Anshan to sell the monoblock lumber's? 1 meter of square is the above.

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Fuse广播公司的这个电视节目在导视中被之为“最傻X电视节目”,参赛者要在三分钟内在三尺见方的盒子里边跳舞边完成脱衣服的比赛。Contestants have three minutes to strip while dancing in a three-foot-square box.

卫兵解释说,这间大约10到20英尺见方的囚室中现在有74名犯人。The guard explains that 74 men live in this room, which is roughly 10 by 20 feet.

布什维建议,为家里的每个人都种上一块4英尺见方的生菜园。Bushway advises planting four square feet of lettuce per person in your household.

它是一个狭长的矩形,4.4英寸长,1.6英寸见方。Instead, its elongated, rectangular shape is 4.4 inches long and 1.6 inches square.

肥瘦相间的猪肉被切成2英寸见方的肉块,保留猪皮。The pork is cut into 2-inch squares of both fat and lean meat with the skin left on.

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布什维建议,为家里的每个人都种上一块4英尺见方的生菜园。Ms. Bushway advises planting four square feet of lettuce per person in your household.

猪五花肉切成0.7厘米见方的丁,入开水锅中汆熟捞出。Pig pork cut 0.7 centimeters square Ding, cooked fish out into the boiling water pot boil.

将鸡肉切成2厘米见方的块,加入腌料,用手抓匀腌15分钟。Cut the chicken breast into 2cm dices , mix with the marinade and let stand for 15 minutes.